Rumbling Along

Just a shout out to everyone in this match – literally everyone played well. Lots of fun.


I guess they don’t feel the need to fix the stupid stars on the post-match display … :roll_eyes: In reality, only Koshka and I had 1 star each on our heroes.

Also also

Yes, I probably should have built :vgitem_tyrantsmonocle: instead of :vgitem_breakingpoint: on Gwen … :rbgwen:


Another day, another Rumble! I don’t want to say everyone in this match was … well, bad … but most of them were. My entire team was awful, and Yates went AFK at least once. Magnus and Lance on the enemy side were okay.

But my stats looked pretty good by the end! :laughing:


People who try to hide their builds at the end never cease to crack me up. Like I care that you don’t know how to build BF? Lmao

Do we know anyone over at VGPRO? They need to remove ARAL from the algorithm and replace it with Rumble since it’s the new casual brawl fixture. My KDA would be so much better :sunglasses:

It’s not VGPro’s issue: SEMC hasn’t bothered to make data from ARAM, One for All, or Rumble matches available through the API.

Honestly, SEMC have really done nothing with the API in months. Currently, there’s not even a way to obtain an API key to start developing for it.

Sigh. I mean, I get it. They’re excited about cross-platform, and they’re likely investing most if not all of their time to PC development. It’s just bittersweet to watch something that was designed for touch and mobile, and what seems from earlier patches to have been as close to perfect as a MOBA could get, now start to evolve into something that has a lot of sloppy mistakes for the sake of bigger market money. It’s just how business always works, I guess.


This was a weird match. No one on the enemy side played badly at all – they simply got outplayed every time there was a fight. My hat is off to them for not quitting – they fought till the very end, even though it must have been frustrating in the extreme.

I have to say, my team was … not very good, to be polite. We were losing the entire match to a FAR superior enemy (better strat, better coordination, etc) who took us down to zero turrets after capturing the Kraken. However, they failed to press that advantage, and we managed to pick off three of them as they were roaming around solo. We then captured the Kraken and aced them. We lasted long enough in their base for Helga to finish the job for us.

I will say one thing for my team: they never gave up, which was pretty awesome.

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The match before this one was horrible: poor team comp, no teamwork, and the enemy bullied us out of the first two turrets within the first couple of minutes. It was a bloodbath. Then this happens … basically perfect teamwork, and we had the enemy reeling from the first minute.

Also: Varya is so much fun. I’m closing in on my 3rd star on her now.

This was a great match! Everyone on both teams played very well – my team got a break when I stole the Kraken out from under 4 of them (Ardan helped by distracting them), and they weren’t able to recover after that. Koshka was a real menace (well played, sir or madam!) and Cath was a big nuisance as well (again, gj!). On our side, Ardan was fantastic, and Ringo and Celeste played important supporting roles while I dealt most of the damage.

Side note

I remember when MOST of my matches were like this: balanced and fun. What happened to this game? :confused:

One complaint I do have about Rumble, but I didn’t think worth making a thread about, so I’m posting it here: It seems very snowball-y to me. Literally every game I’ve played has been defined by the first 3-5 minutes, sometimes less. And for once I honestly don’t think it’s the matchmaker, but the way the gamemode is.

I’ll respectfully disagree, for now. I’ve really enjoyed every game I’ve had in Rumble. I’m very happy it’s a permanent fixture for a brawl mode. I’ve enjoyed a few comebacks despite not capturing Helga, I’ve had a few games last in the 15-minute range, I’ve also been the victim of others coming back against my team. There are patterns/tendencies in the game I’ve noticed, but from my experience I never know which turnout will happen!

That’s been true for quite a few of my matches, but definitely not all – maybe about \frac 13 of them? The rest have been decent fights at least until the Kraken spawns. Then it can get very snowbally very fast, of course.

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Rip, I turned off in-game igns and I didnt even realize you were in my game… And I usually dont pay attention to the loading or end screen either so rip again.

Im saying this cuz I forgot to thumbs up you. :flushed:

Dont worry, I didnt even thumbs up nor down my teammates.

Lol, that match sucked. Our Ringo went AFK for a while, then when he came back, he farmed the entire match. Rip. Also, stupid SAW stole all the lane farm, then wouldn’t go down into the jungle for teamfights. Ugh.

We’re talking about SEMCs top of the line matchmaker here.

Our Arden afk-ed but luckly came back to the power of miracles.

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Yeah, it’s been a day of mostly bad matchups. I just went up against a guy I know who is T10 – so of course, he played Magnus and went something like 17-1 and crushed our team by himself.

Hypercarry Gwen best Gwen :rbgwen:

This shouldn’t have gone on as long as it did, but they stole the Kraken twice. But that just let me run my KDA up some more. :laughing: I’ll give the enemy tons of credit, though – they never gave up!!