Rogue wants to know

SEMC also said in 2017 they intended to make VG a game we’d be playing 10 years from then, so …

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I mean, I feel like that’s a pretty poor line of reasoning.

Do I trust Rogue? not really, especially after Karas, but I’m going to believe what they say about something like that unless there is good evidence to the contrary which franky I can’t really find. I’ve been playing VG since release. The time I had worst stability was 2015 when even on good wifi I would have lag while in central US, and there was a common issue which would cause the entire game room (at least my team since they told me on discodr) to lag.

I admit I have not really played this patch (nothing to really bring me in), but VG has never had good networking, and has been pretty much the same since the networking improvements in I believe 2017? Now there are a bunch of other issues (EU players failing to get into game if reddit is to be believed), but I feel the most logical stance is that the best VGs networking has ever been is mediocre, and it is still mediocre.

Lol, you really have no sense of humor …

I’ll use a winking emoji next time :gwenrainbowbarf:

EDIT: that sounds harsher than I meant it to be

The fact that they’re even polling this doesn’t give me high hopes. To me it seems like they got a list from semc on what they (semc) think the core issues were and are trying to decide what to tackle first. Problem is none of these are the core issues of the game. The issues most affecting players are the rampant dodging and bad playing in matches, the lack of progression system, the lack of incentives for guilds and parties, much less solo players, the lack of interesting events.

I mean this isn’t even a serious poll to me. Device support? That’s a given and doesn’t even need to be polled: make sure your game runs on as many devices as technically possible. New heroes? Obviously people are gonna appreciate new and fresh heroes at some point, but the existing ones could definitely use tweaks alreadyUI? The UI is not nearly the priority; its not as ugly as it once was and its not oppressive to deal with, it’s just not polished.

Are you kidding me? They’re not serious about taking this game in any direction if this is what they polled for. The priority should be making the gameplay itself enjoyable again and beefing up the content around the gameplay.

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I agree. This shouldn’t be polled since its major things that should be worked on without a doubt.

I only disagree with the ui. While it isnt as important as the others, one thing that made VG entirely different from the competition was how the ui looked. It had personality with the brushstrokes in the in-game scoreboard and how the out of game had colors not really seen in such moba style game. Now its bright blues n stuff…


I definitely think the UI needs work, I just feel like people could look past that…if they weren’t slogging through 5+ minute wait times just to get dodged three times in a row, finally making it to draft, to get dodged again two more times for good measure, then to make it to a match and someone decides to afk or throw after the first death, or worse, a good 15 minutes into the match.

Then again all the time spent not playing, you are spending a lot of time staring at that UI, lol

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Aha. Ok, good to know it’s on my side… tho I make a living as network/windows/linux admin and have problems only with that game. Not to be rude, but I kinda don’t need such “plan reveals/posts from rogue” to know what’s happening in EU region. I won’t exclude even more f net code and/or f ios app nor will deepdive into it, I play less and less.

Spending 30m que/dodge fest to end up 75% of the times with unbalanced game… not my cup of tea. Not to mention that someone dodge on my team intentionally and 3 seconds later a new game is find and he is there again and on my team - no punishments at all to the point that they can que again 2 seconds after they dodge = pairs with the same player group. Or the trolls like one dude who picks CP saw top after our first in the team picks bot (the troll was last to pick) and even when we offered him many other positions to choose from. This happens a lot in t10 silver. Full of unskilled boosted kids and duo/trio/party que and then l3on who is clearly a lot better than those boosted players that are bad even next to me. I am soloq to their level roflmao and I am not good at all.

Also as a side note - recent team vs team matches from l3on shows that the strategy to feed your bot + utility (support like lyra or grace, etc) jungler who stays bot all the time (mid takes blue and small camp) - is a winning strategy still in more serious matches. SEMC didn’t fix anything really. :stuck_out_tongue:

Make some event? Collectible material for hat thing was nice, adding some reason to play, player personalization.
Customized scout, small creature like frog, duck, cat, an eyeball, a rose or whatever instead of a cam, can be used for material collecting event too.
Bring back the pass, playing to level the pass to get something to keep the interest.
Add a world chat in home page, even simple smiley, emoticon pop up in the corner can add the liveliness, it felt bland and lonely staring at kestrel face after a while.


There’s so much simple stuff that could be added to VG that would make the game more appealing – you’ve hit on some of the low-hanging fruit that would seem both to be simple to add and a potential source of revenue – scout cam skins, for example.

FWIW, I launched the client a couple of days ago for the first time in > 7 months , and I have to say, I was shocked by what an utter mess the UI is and how dated VG feels. I stared at the screen for a few minutes, trying to muster the enthusiasm to play a match, but in the end, I just felt sad – so I closed the app and went on to something else.

There’s very little in VG these days to encourage people to play, as you point out.

Btw, welcome to the forums! :vgcheersx3:


While I would like the see them as they add a slight bit of visual variety and won’t really be harmful in the slightest, I kinda think that scout cam skins would ultimately pointless, sadly. Rogue may have a different approach with them, but if the currently abandoned status of the hats, ping sets, and charms are anything to go by, they’ll probably give up on making them after a while bc they’re arguably less profitable than heroes and skins for them.
In-game events are definitely necessary imo, as one of the weakest points of the game currently is a lack of reason to play frequently. There’s so many possibilities for them, such as a crazy 8-style event like the early days but with guaranteed blueprints in place of cards, a return of the free essence as part of postgame rewards event, a worthwhile version of the current checklist “events”, or collectible-focused ones like you mentioned. The return of the BP, even if it’s rewards are nerfed, would even be nice, as it gives some reason to play.

You can make exactly the same argument about ANY cosmetic, including skins.

I can’t imagine anyone spent money on those things, tbqh. The pings were harmless but too hard to collect, and the hats were ugly and ridiculous.

100% agree, but I think we’re well past the time where the effort (and therefore cost) required to create a “good” event (on the order of one of League’s events) would produce a reasonable return on the investment. If we see events from Rogue, I predict they’ll be fairly low-effort ones like SEMC came up with at the end.

I hope I’m wrong about where things are headed, but since 5v5 was released, I haven’t been.

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It would be good if they release ‘skin maps’, but I don’t think that will be implemented anytime soon.

Like never. :smiley:

TBH a lot can be done with the game, but as @hazeleyes said - it’s long past the point when there was going to be some return for the invested time/dev power/money.


I don’t think they’d do any more cosmetics after the reaction to hats, then again a) this is Rogue now and b) I don’t think they realized people were so pissed about hats because so many other things took priority at the time (not to mention the first hats were utter carp)


Hats? Hahahahahaha oh man imagine getting materials for hats that isn’t spectral essence and regular essence. I swear, the actual ores have like a 1% drop rate!