Ringo T3 vs Ardan T3 vs Lance T3

Can anybody make a voting about that? Maybe I m making The forum busy with my trash talks but thats The last time :slight_smile:

  • Redemption Ardan
  • Pinnacle Lance
  • Shogun Master Ringo

0 voters

Thanks (30 characterssssssss)…,

Welcome,also why are you comparing these skins?You trying to get them or something?

I dont play lance much but with pinnacle lance he look brilliant and very huge

I have 2600 ice and Idk which skin I can buy

26 skins… Im a collectioner bro

You should totally give him a chance,the buffs to his combat roll and impale in the recent patches made his weapon lane/jungle path very strong.

You own 26 skins? Do you own all heroes? Have you bought the battlepass already?

Battlepass gets you a lot of skins without wasting Ice if you have a lot of sunlight levels that is.

Mystery chests grant you a guaranteed hero and skin.

I am sunlight level 33 (30 characters

I havent buy battlepass yet (30 characters)