Reza and Idris need a serious nerf.
Idris way too annoying in brawl, while reza in other game mods. Anyone feeling the same way?
Well Reza always got nerfed from patch to patch but the nerf on Reza still makes him viable. It doesn’t do much the nerf on Reza with the fact that he’s still on the hot choice for banned hero in rank mode.
Adding to that, I need Kinetic nerf really. Her damage and lifesteal is still undeniably annoying. I still confuse why she didn’t get touched from the last two patch.
For Idris: Nerf the talent, not the hero.
Reza: i dont think he is op, annoying? Sure, op? No way.
Yep, the problem is talents in general that stupid broken rare talent.
Crowd control destroys both of them… Chain stun them, they have no defense or hp… Lock them down and they are dead…
Also brawls are broken no need to complain.
CC destroys everyone… Idris and reza, specially reza, arent the most vulnerable to CC.
Their dashes/escapes make them unkillable. Locking them down will prevent them from getting away.
As any other Hero, but those two are harder to lock down than most, specially reza. Also, Reflex block is still a thing.
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