Reply functionality

why does it sometimes show who’s being replied to…like this: image

and sometimes it doesn’t?image

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It only shows who’s being replied to if their post is 1 or more replies above the last one made. I kinda find it weird that it does that, but I’m assuming that it’s just due to the Discourse system.

My first guess would be that you aren’t aware of the two types of replying as seen in the picture. The top right one shows the icon you displayed above, while the bottom left one does not. The top right one parallels with the quote function in the old forums, while the bottom left one parallels with the normal comment box in the old forums.

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This is where it gets interesting. I am aware of the two, but sometimes I get an alert that someone has replied to me, like this: image but then I’ll go to the thread and see the reply but the image isn’t there.

I’ve seen other threads where clearly people are replying eachother and MAYBE they are pressing the wrong button intermittently and that’s why the icon is not there but I’m not sure. Pretty sure I’ve hit the correct reply to instigate the icon and it been blank as well.

From my experience, the same notification pops up for the next post after you’ve replied, even if that next post doesn’t tag or reply to anyone

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Ok thank you for that clarification. That makes sense. Discourse is kind of weird at times.

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Also, I’m really happy you’re here at the new forums :slight_smile:


Np, I’m glad you’re here in the new forums too


I’ve had this question as well.

Testing DIMs answer. I hit the reply button on your last comment

Same test, same button - with my comment between it

Edit - DIM was right in the first comment

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Every day This forum gets better, and better.

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