Removing a Ranked mode

Exactly. It doesnt have shit like 5v5 does. 3v3 feels so peaceful. Once in a while its crap(especially the boosted th9 bronze and silvers. But when i m partying with atleast one VG, its always a very “ranked mentality” type of a game with zero toxicity. People who screw up know it and use the sad ping and not the laughing ones which i used to see a lot before.

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They better be trolling.
If they play this poorly they shouldn’t be in ranked modes at all let alone this high… .

So I swallowed some shit and Hard captained my way out of SA Bronze in 9 matches winning 8/9.

Grace and Lyra as captains have carry potential!

I know I seem salty but that is because I hate going down unnecessarily…

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