Reim Discussion

Reim was t10 lol. You can’t expect to lane the second hit because they will just move. For that extra damage in his second hit, they reduced his movement speed, his passive damage, the first impact damage… For me it was overall a damage nerf.

T10 doesn’t equal good. And this is exactly what I meant when I said people can’t use root… If you can’t land second hit it’s not the hero’s problem. Yeah you can’t land it all the time but you can pretty regularly. When it does land it hits like truck too.

At the moment, the meta is very mobile, and heroes like Reim will suffer from that. And I don’t just mean the boots buff, I mean the amount of mobile heroes. Almost every hero has some form of gap closer or ranged CC to help them. I think SEMC need to start introducing less mobile heroes, to try to balance out the meta.

Also, I’ve noticed that they seem to change all Reim’s stats every update (to the extent where I just skip him when reading the patch notes, his changes are too long and complicated for me to bother reading) and yet he doesn’t seem to change at all. He’s completely useless in 5v5, and while playable in 3v3, not exactly a priority pick.


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I miss the good old times when I 1vs3 with him, gaining so much FH that they could not bring me down. Ofc I was quite skilled with him to pull it off, but still. :sweat_smile:


But you are expecting the enemy to not move. Anyway, it’s just my opinion and this thread is not about Reim.

He has heavy slow and root though…

Yes, i know. I will try him more and then we can discuss properly, but this thread is not for that :smiley:

Moved this discussion to a separate thread - now it is


Reim’s biggest counter is range, he’s a melee yet he has no gap closers his only play to kill a ranged character (besides capitalizing on bad positioning) is boots active. Considering a team in 5v5 usually has at least 2 ranged heroes (mid and bot lane) and that top laners, junglers and supports are very likely to have a form of cc that counters all in engages, its near on impossible for reim to do anything.

With the celestial shroud you can no longer use boots and combo your AA with your B to root them and land your A.

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I’m going to play Reim than have an opinion on the matter. They clearly reduced his speed because they know people will build JB first item on him. I feel like he is more about securing people down or just threatening them with his presence. He can’t really quite kill them by running at them but he can 100% kill them if they come in. Can’t say if he’s OP or not because he has less poke but he was never a poke mage, he was a battle mage. I’m sure the changes are going to favor those who have been playing Reim pre 2.9 Reim. IIRC 2.9 was when Reim was OP and he would literally just poke and run at you.

Ahhhhh the days when reim was actually playable then broken, nerfed and still playable

Actually the opposite right now. His damage is really good. His lock down very strong. Journey boots let you get kills. At the same time his FH gain is pretty bad so it’s really hard to survive in teamfights unless you’re ahead. I think they should just fix his AA FH gain and maybe increase gain from A but just a bit.

Meh, reim is a top tier jungler because boots are op. Travel boots in 3.9 is as strong as journey boots in previous updates. 3.9 changes makes him more of a situationional pick rather than a general pick tho, but hes really strong when picked against and with a right comp.

Actually reim is the strongest hes even been now since the base wp FH removal.