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Check out @TeamBrokenMyth’s Tweet:
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Argh… seriously? Another skin?
i need this in my life. such a qt skin for such a qt baby
SEMC is partaking in #PrideMonth now?
Now i need ‘Dear rainbow Lyra’
hooray if thats the case, probably not tho bc this has probably been a concept for a while
Rainbows don’t automatically relate to pride fyi.
I think its more of a meme rference of the nyan cat
Why people hating on skaarf skin? It not like Celeste getting a ton of skins
so freaking adorable plus the sounds AUGHGGGGGG ️
Skaarf really is the cat’s meow now, wow holy cow ,bow wow…
I like the model changes which make him almost unrecognizable much like wizard of Oz glaive (Lion)
This is probably the greatest thing I’ve ever seen. Really cool effects and design. As a skaarf main, I am quite pleased (probably won’t be able to get it though ).
Wow…just wow…