Rainbow Glaive and "RNG Protection"

Let me 1-up you and say that his recall is garbage, most legendary skins have the same recall* (truely sad on their part) but weā€™ve seen SEMC make quality recalls (Summer skins say hi) but we get a rainbow coming down from the skye (Space Petal rip off) and a floating catā€¦ Quality recall 3030303003

Edit* Same default recall

Yeah I was confused I thought it was bugged or sth. Given itā€™s rainbow themed I was expexting Glaive to fly away using his Rocket Axe or sth idkā€¦

Itā€™s weird tbh, Glaive just freezes hanging while some weird forces lift him. Unless thereā€™s some kind of reference Iā€™m missing, tho.

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The skin is pretty cool but Iā€™ve never spent $20 on a single skin and never will lol.

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I rather wait for the blueprint of the skin to drop through the free methods.

Itā€™s a small chance, but Iā€™m patient enough. I havenā€™t played Glaive for a long, long time (bar times I get him in Battle Royale).

Just the other day, I got Cyber Krul blueprint from a Quest Chest - a bronze on to boot, lol.