Please don't give up

I’ve recently started playing more VG and I decided to start ranking back up in solo Q which has been for the most part terrible but manageable since I climbed back up pretty far in a short-ish time. I’ve experienced so many toxic players since my return BUT this one Skye takes the cake for the most tilting one. They decided to completely give up because they were losing bot lane terribly to a Skaarf (e.g losing a 1v1 3 times in under 5 minutes) which completely cost us the match since it was a constant 4v5 with a salty Skye racing turrets in her lane. This just boggles me cause what kind of satisfaction does one get from throwing a match and running around the map doing absolutely nothing instead of actually trying? The worst part is this could’ve easily been a win for us if they just chose to cooperate a minimum, I was pretty fed and my teammates weren’t too behind in terms of gold. How arrogant do you have to be to hinder an entire team because of how salty you are from losing 1v1s. Another thing is this person will likely not be facing any consequences since this technically wasn’t an AFK and I have no idea how many people reported them for Inting which, let’s be real, wouldn’t resolve anything.

Thank you all for coming to my tilted/venting ted talk. :celestelove:

inting gives you lpq trust me :wink:.

good to know but lpq is still a big joke cause i can guarantee you this isn’t the first time this person has done this but is clearly not learning their lesson.

Well it stopped me from inting so it does work sometimes.
(dont hate me pls i just wanted to farm blitz events in low elo).

what in the hell is that lance build

I find it amusing how the POA bronzes did better than their teammates in such a large margin despite being the low tiers.


right? imagine the skye’s face when they find out skaarf is actually poa bronze… and you’d think people would know better than to int from losing 1v1s at a higher tier but ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Thats a build some of the pro players use haha.
Altho that build doesnt make sense in this matchup.

Honestly think that they find humor in screwing a whole team and causing them to lose elo. its irritating to know there are people like that. And a lot of them too.

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Just jumping in to compliment you on your profile pic … :thumbs3::thumbs3::thumbs3::thumbs3::thumbs3::thumbs3:

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