WP Grace you may be thinking is one of the most balanced hero in the game. But that is truly incorrect because you, yes you, have been building her incorrectly the entire time. Say bye bye to that TB and say hi to Sorrowblade. Sure it costs a lot of $$$ but it makes your damage go from 100%-200% satisfaction guaranteed. Though this may not be the most comprehensive guide you have ever read, and you may, in fact, be losing brain cells, but you know what that ain’t my problem.
WP Grace is truly a monster mostly preferred in top lane due to her ability to actually shut down melee heroes completely and outpoke range heroes and killing them if you really are a brave and daring soul. There’s a misconception with top lane and that is you’ll always be 2 levels behind the enemy bot laner. Wanna know who’s fault that is? It’s yours. Well maybe, might be your team, and now that I read this over and it most likely your team because they aren’t pushing anything when you are in a 1v3 situation.
But hey that doesn’t really matter that much let us get to the builds:
You want to start off with a Weapon Blade and a book.
You may be thinking why not get the T1 armor item, well you can get that instead of the Weapon Blade. But if you’re like me and truly like to put your presence on the enemy YOU TAKE THAT WEAPON BLADE. The enemy Skye might start emoting and stuff (yeah true story) because she’s poking you but don’t let yourself get poked, use your A and START AA that laner. They will run away and you crippled them so much that they won’t be able to stutterstep and kite you. Once they get under turret just walk back to the lane. You’re going to need some lane essentials by the way: know when to push lane and when to control it. These two things apply to literally everyone who plays lane so master them.
Alright well that was the reasoning as to why you should build those items. Now I’ll talk about what to do during the early game. So in the early game you will most likely be “ganked” by the enemy jungler, just let them take the healing treant it is never worth your life. While they are taking that though go push lane all the way so your minions die to their turret. And back. In this back, by some damage or armor. Take the bears as you walk back to lane because lane will be reset due to the enemy laner being a nub and not pushing but instead doing jungle with the jungler. Do not worry you will only be one level below the enemy laner (2-3) and since you have been playing so passively you are not set up for a gank so the jungler won’t come . Alright you’re a cool dudette so go kill em since you have the item advantage or at least freeze lane and then push once your minions have stacked to two minion waves. Your healing treant spawned so take that. Go back to lane and punish the enemy laner. If the minions are not in the center of your lane, go back to base and buy items. At this point the minions should be in the center and you have taken the bears again if your rotations are on point. Poke the enemy laner out of lane, if you have map awareness on the jungle go to the enemy jungle and steal everything, if you don’t push lane and rotate.
This may or may not have been mentioned but at this point if you’re CSing skills are good you should have built many items 6 min in you should have SB.
Well, Grace is an early game hero who starts snowballing hard so the rest is rinse and repeat pretty much until you make the enemy hero delete the game.
I am not the best guide maker so this is my attempt at doing so because I have really gotten sick of seeing all these TB Grace. The final build should be: SB, BP, TM, def items, and journey boots. I’ve have been having success with her and if you wanna look at some stuff just go to the most recent game I’ve had with Grace in 5s rank (ignore pls the games where it looks like I went AFK when truly I just reset the game and quickly came back and my team surrendered for no reason, except the Idris one, enemy bot laner managed to become level 12 really fast). The second recent game is a perfect example of what happens to melee laners when you put them against a WP Grace (against Idris btw, more of me flexing but eh felt good carrying the game super hard, jokes lol, look at the item builds per time of purchase and you can really see the snowballing of Grace). I thought CP was OP but it seems as if WP is very strong as well…