Permanent XP Boost

Because I delete them


The 1000 ICE reward has apparently been removed from the Level 40 chest now, btw. Your reward for reaching Level 40 now is … 5 talent coins.

Absolutely amazing decision-making, SEMC.

I mean, it’s SEMC, what were you expecting from them?

Lol. Just lol. 1000k ice was a weird reward anyway but…lol.

Nothing but disappointing. Chests are exciting when you aren’t a regular player and to know that any decent reward is now even further out of reach is a big ol middle finger. I don’t think it’s too much to expect the LEVEL chests to have better rewards than the daily chests. I’m almost halfway to level 30 (which is again, exciting!) but I know I’m not getting anything but 100 ICE and an epic talent or something. What’s the point anymore? I can play 3 games a day for my daily chests and get better rewards than that in a week.

I also can’t believe that the chests all the way up to 200 are the basic chests?? Not even the gold+blue chests, just basic daily quest chests. How does this even qualify as a progression system.

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As a level 28… Super sad to hear. Does anyone have a recording or list of rewards at certain benchmark levels (if other significant standard rewards existed outside of level 40) prior to this patch? I’d be happy to report what I get at 30 and 35 and inform how it’s changed.

Level 41 chest… 1000 glory. Good start! :smiley:

All of the rewards are either talents or glory. Does it really matter what the drops are at this point?