Patch 3.8 Bug Hunt

this has been happening since 3.6

Now that he’s no longer there perhaps we’ll get some features that make sense. :crossed_fingers:

this text was added a few months or so ago.

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I hadn’t seen it before. So I’ve played myself more than a few times lol.

Well last update I got Yates twice in the rare chests , so the text for sure added recently , and I think we all expected it because of the 2 weeks hero ice only thing , so of course they going to make the new hero not available in the rare chest atleast .

I just played a match with immortal grace. Dunno how it happened, she had ghoustwing and stayed 1HP with like a small barrier for 5m and more. @HipsterSkaarf one more to report to SEMC.

Immortal Yeets 2.0. Did she happen to hit a 1.5k heal anytime beforehand?

Not sure, was on another place on the map when it happened. Ruined the game tho… :confused:

I had a game where I got stuck for a good two or three seconds. I think it happened as I jumped into Bright Bulwark while Joule landed a stun on me, but I wasn’t stunned (at least visually) and couldn’t move or activate any abilities. Joule’s stun doesn’t last as long as the duration that I was stuck for.

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