Patch 3.8 Bug Hunt

SOC stands for “System On a Chip” - the CPU, the videocard, the ram, the AI module, the image processor and so on, are all in a single chip and thus SOC.

Samsung have two variants with different SOCs in them, one is in Europe, it’s made by them and called exynos line (9810 is the exact model this year), the second one is in the USA and using qualcomm snapdragon 845.

If you are from Europe, it’s exynos 99%, if you are in the USA it’s snapdragon 99%. You can check it out with all the hardware check apps in playstore like “samsung phone info”, cpu-z, devcheck (from flar2, recognised android developer in XDA).

As they are on hardware level different with different firmware/drivers - it’s possible that the game got problems with exact architecture or driver and works ok on the other variant. This is why I ask. :slight_smile:

Imma check but i am from Asia. Soooo :upside_down_face:

I think it’s qualcomm snapdragon 845 in Asia (better for you, it’s superior this year).

Interesting. It didn’t seem to happen with Gwen, who was the only other hero I tested.

Seriously, how does something like that not get noticed in testing?!?


Mystery chest windows are not sized properly. Their complete inattention to detail continues to astound me … :roll_eyes:


They slip such a big obvious (5m QA testing type of) problems in a patch that was only about balance changes and one new hero… and you wonder about such a minor thing. The whole game was QUALITY before and game where I wanted to spend money, because the way it was done AND the way it didn’t force money spending on you… right now I think it speaks for itself.

Yep, it’s amazing that a game that’s over 3 years old is such a mess. Most games by that point are highly polished, but as you say, VG has actually gone the opposite direction.

I used to criticize the code review / QA process at SEMC … lately I’m not sure there even IS a code review / QA process …


A bit off-topic but “Contains EVERY hero and skin from PREVIOUS updates” is a bit confusing for me. Is that new? And if it is does that mean new hero as well or heroes from the previous updates?

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I agree it’s confusing – and intentionally so, I believe. They’ve been asked to clarify, and the answer is that the mystery chests do NOT include heroes and skins from the CURRENT patch.


That’s quite the scam then… Considering they used to basically 90% guarantee you getting new hero. So yesterday I wasted 2 boxes worth of ice. Good to know though, so I don’t buy anything in future.


Yeah, I think it’s becoming rather obvious to most people that they are being taken advantage of at every opportunity.


In so many ways…
Some scammy, some just blatantly obvious like stupid levels of broken heroes on release.
See; Varya, Kensei, Malene, Kinetic, Anka, Silvernail (Yates idc about, simpleton and boring hero with no lore) and now ofc Inara.

I don’t buy that crap everyone says about it being hard to balance on pbe. These heroes were not unbalanced, they were just utterly broken. So broken they completely ruin your experience if you get paired against them. So broken they got a plethora of nerfs after release and they’re still good. It’s all intended. It’s blatant obvious cashgrab power creep.

On another note; I insist. It’s freaking amazing how they delay the update by 2 weeks to “squash” bugs, then they delay it again on update day (no surprise at this point) and yet the bugs of getting stuck on a black screen after accepting a match, getting stuck on chest screen, freezes and random crashes remain unchanged.
To me it’s evident that they don’t care about anything that doesn’t help them milk more money from the dead horse that vg has become. That or someone is just slacking off, procrastinating and not doing their job at all.

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I don’t agree with Silvernail, he wasn’t broken.

After how many years will SEMC fix the login bug
For God sake this freaking bug has dropped me into bad karma so many times including just now.
For those who don’t know what I mean:
It occurs when there is either a sudden drop in connection or change in connection type
(Ie: Switching from WiFi to Data, or the other way around, or say you lose connection for a split second and disconnect)
The effect of the bug is that you now have to relogin to your account because for some reason after disconnecting your device doesn’t seem to recall that you were logged in, not only that but after you log in it won’t communicate with VG servers immediately to bring you back into the game, many times it will let you sit there for almost a full minute or more

BR cancer ui. Adds a chat with only like 20 sec while removing the ability to select what you’re doing (cp wp roam)

Even worse if intended, what idiot is changing this shit that doesn’t need to be changed?!


these have been hapening for a while i cannot rememebr

gamebreaking one:
if flicker has applied a mortal wound due to spell fire on an enemy hero occasionally you need to wait for it to wear off before you can turn invisible. (say you go into a bush and the hero is burning. the timer restarts every time he gets one of the burns.)

less gambreaking:
if you use kestrells epic talent in a brawl mode, her arrow loading sound happens twice when you enter the match.

they want everything to look bad in unison.
its really ugly now everywhere.
i rather play mtg arena, a p2w pc game with lots of issues on its own, but at least i can feel like doing sth on a pretty looking screen in half of my games and with only one troll trying to waste my time…

Getting off topic from the original point of the thread I c :eyes:

Anyways, Joule’s Warning Ring on her Rocket Leap doesnt show up half of the time and its the first time in a long time that Ive seen it be really transparent.

Inara’s talent at least isn’t showing any level changes im game haven’t seen this problem on other heroes yet.

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