Papi Baptiste

Skaarf ,sam and Celeste post lvl 8 vastly outrange baptiste. If Baptiste gets in range he can chunk them down easily but getting in range is the problem. Getting near Celeste is walking through a minefield unless you have dive heroes and skaarfs B itself has more range than baptiste A . SF helps mitigating baptistes heal and it works well with both Celeste and skaarf

Koshka is no problem but Gwen is. Idk how 3.1 Gwen will be but in 3.0 she can take bap down in 3-4 shots not allowing him to heal plus she doesn’t have to bother about cc unlike koshka

I destroyed a Gwen in lane yesterday. I mean destroyed!!! I don’t fear her at all…

Lategame celeste and skaarf will be tricky yeah but lategame we are passed the laning phase and in teamfights Baptiste is very strong.

Single encounters don’t matter. Gwen outdamages baptiste by a huge margin and can shrug off his cc while applying her own.

I lost because of his terrible wave clear and pushing objectives (blackclaw). Last fight top lane was pushed to the armory and I had to port back but my team decided to fight :frowning: Feels bad man

You had winning stats and decent cs though.

Here is mine from just now. They had to 3 man gank me to take me down. 1v2 I ripped them apart. Top lane vs gwen with their Lyra supporting her and their Ozo trying to gank me. Ordain vs Ozo is so funny lmao.

Reim is not a natural counter to Baptiste, his CC Mars sure of that as does his inbuild sustain and his range.

Celeste, Skarf and Reza? Seriously they’re slow and easy to gank, with exception of reza who gets caught out by his B an can’t escape.

Are we playing he same game? Whattoer level you at?

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Offensive baptiste ganking and helping the other laners. Was building him into a lategame captain.
I soloed both gwen and Celeste multiple times. Not that hard…

@Glowarm I agree I just beat all of those again…

I can see from the builds that both the Celeste and Gwen are not good. Who builds T3 boots that soon, who gets BM as second item even against multiple shields? A lot of Celeste and Gwen you see now is the effect of them being meta not because players are particularly good at them. I can wipe the floor against Baptiste as Celeste any day after level 8 and I am a good Celeste

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Baptiste has 1 big weakness and that is multi direction ganks where he cannot hit all enemies with his fear.

When a taka manages to jump over me and his allies are behind me I am in trouble. Which hero isn’t though?

Reza has 3 gap closers on short cool down one of which is close to a reflex block. Only stupid rezas get caught in his B

Blame the matchmaker it is rubbish. Still you have no mobility and I have healing so if I dodge your stun I can hit you hard.

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And? Why would I even let you into my range.His A has a range of 7, Celeste has a range of 9.5, skaarf 12.5 , Sam I think 11. Mages outrange him badly and range difference matters a lot else saw wouldn’t have got that 0.2 range nerf last patch

Yeah you have a range advantage but unless you stay under your turret the entire game you will be ganked and attacked while out of position…

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Bap ganking Celeste is a lot different than a glaive or krul doing it. You need to get somewhat close enough to use your B which makes it easier to use her core collapse and get out relatively safe. Her A provides vision which you use to constantly check for ganks, I retreat under a turret when I see glaive or grumpjaw but Baptiste is far more manageable . If he hits her with she is dead though but that’s the case for every hero as Celeste is just so squishy


So before level 8 Baptiste owns you, then at level 8 when the team game starts you own him?

Honesty he offers amazing utility, impressive DMG has a built in sustain and is incredible flexible. Sure you can beat him at level 8, but up until then he is all over you like a rash.

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I agree, I have no trouble getting that hit in though…

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Agree. A decent Celeste will land her B every time Bap tries to engage on her since Bap doesnt have a gap closer

If you’re using his ult to reflex block Baptiste you’re wasting the ability. The others don’t avoid his B… people here seem to be ignoring just how strong that B ability is when used during team fights.

He doesnt own her, she still has her stun and vision to get out of tricky situations. I said that it is after lvl8 that Celeste starts to own him. His heal doesn’t matter to her if she gets SF and his poke gets negated by good positioning (behind minions). His poke can be blocked by minions while she can dish out damage with her A