Old Video of an API Project

Found this old video when I was browsing around the links on my computer – it’s an Alexa skill I wrote that worked as an interface to Andi (aka Andromeda). Amazon wouldn’t approve it unless I changed the invocation phrase, and I didn’t want to do that because it was way too cool to just say “Alexa, ask Andi …”

But it was a fun project and worked great. Sadly, VainSocial (where Andi got her data regarding the meta) is no more, and I haven’t done anything much with Andi since SEMC decided I didn’t belong in the VCP. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ But it was fun to see this again!


Dang, sad to hear that wasn’t approved because it’s honestly really cool. Also voice reveal UwU

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Alexa, ask andi to play despacito

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Damn that’s pretty cool. Goddamit Amazon why you gotta be so dumb

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