So the official forums dropped… Yup. . . umm. . . Hi, My IGN is HumbleLamb I play mostly Blitz ATM due to device issues. I love Alpha especially in blitz with rare talent coin. So far level 10! XD
Anyways on to unofficial-ness.
So the official forums dropped… Yup. . . umm. . . Hi, My IGN is HumbleLamb I play mostly Blitz ATM due to device issues. I love Alpha especially in blitz with rare talent coin. So far level 10! XD
Anyways on to unofficial-ness.
hey HumbleLamb
Hiya! Couldn’t post after I made this thread till now. Account suspension ftw!
Aye - sorry its a way to minimise the impact of spam bots.
Welcome on board, feel free to ask questions as you go.
Device issues? Can we help? Are you tech savy? Tried everything? What’s your device and issue?
Hello and sorry for this late response I have been absurdly busy. Trying to balance work and VG anyways… No its just an old and outdated device but I love it for VG because of its size and my small hands.
For sure I ununderstand and thank you for the hasty response