New Hero Teaser

Most of the people that will buy a new hero plays casual. Ranked is not the most populated mode… so they can play the OP hero and while SEMC maybe wont targed OP, they sure will make it really strong yo ensure ice sales. Noone will buy underpowered hero, right? Even if it’s balanced, most will wait for glory buy.

Hopefully it’s not kensei all over again

they havent always done this. i would say the rate of op to up new heroes is still close to 50/50.

most people will always wait for glory. you get so much of it that there is 0 pressure to buy the hero for ice. the next one will be in my (and many other players) battle pass rewards anyway.

semc makes their money with rng chests. the new hero each patch is not going to make them that much money.

btw, i dont feel like casual is played more than ranked atm. if anything, both modes are equally deserted. casual mm would be way better, if it was played more than rank.

Oh hey part 2

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It looks like he has 3 abilities and one is a double activation with super low cooldowns:

A: Fan of Blades
B: Dash/Mimic Spawn
C: Mark and Blink

The other option is that the Mark is a passive on his perk.

The Blink and Dash/Mimic spawn on one hero is pretty crazy. Those abilities could have been split between two heroes.

It is a she. She is female.
Nice finds though. The blink alone=instalock

I hope its more of a flashy hero rather than an actual serious hero, because if its flashy then it means its designed to kill one specific category in a flashy way, if it’s serious, then we are gonna have some problems with this person too…

On a side note: I’m not sure if anyone has been able to play Kensei consistently this patch yet but I’m letting you guys now that he is actually not broken at all and is relatively balanced. He would have been balanced in his initial update (besides Blitz) if PS was working properly. A combination of PS and Atlas would have easily been able to shut him down and both items are relatively easy to use. Combined with his nerfs and PS working properly now I might even have to say he needs a buff in his late game and possibly a slight damage tone down to his early game base attack.

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+1 to this. I’m done with serious heroes in VG. I enjoyed the stormguard arc, and some of the other more serious lore and characters have hit for me, but this recent twin of humourless, serious characters makes me so incredibly bored. I’m sure Kinetic’s lore is important to the VG universe, but I can’t get invested.

The BF line of lores is my favourite. Personality wise, BF is my favourite. But they nerfed his late game to shiet now so I play Kensei. ): I can’t get the best of both worlds.

This + Shiversteel. I don’t think Kensei should get any changes for now, since he’s in a good spot, people just don’t want to learn how to fight him. He’s just limited by all of the other things that limit every Melee hero in the game, both inheritely and intentionally.

Is this a Zed owo

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@hazeleyes is there a way to merge topics with out mod powers, i see two anka topics which are pretty much the same things

At present, it takes a moderator to do that.