New End-of-Season Rewards

Official announcement posted by Trugo on the vg website:

Dear Players,

We’re going to give it to you straight: The current end-of-season rewards aren’t the best. You deserve more after fighting your way to the top, so here’s what we’re going to do about it:

Starting this season, your final rewards chest will now contain Glory, Keys, Blueprints and Talents in addition to Opals and Essence. See below for a breakdown by Sunlight level. The higher your level, the more you will get.

This update to the season-end rewards PLUS the unchanged Sunlight Level chests will, all told, TRIPLE the value of nearly every level starting at Sunlight Level 13!

Discover these new-and-improved rewards at the end of this season–so be sure to push hard to make it to the top!

Happy gaming.


the old stuff
1 3
2 3
3 3
4 3
5 3
6 3
7 3
8 3
9 3
10 3
11 3
12 3
13 5
14 5
15 5
16 5
17 5
18 5
19 5
20 8
21 8
22 8
23 8
24 8
25 8
26 8
27 8
28 8
29 10
30 10
31 10
32 10
33 10
34 10
35 10
36 10
37 12
38 12
39 12
40 12
41 12
42 12
43 12
44 200 15
45 250 15
46 300 15
47 350 15
48 400 15
49 450 15
50 500 20


the new stuff
1 100 3
2 100 3
3 100 3
4 100 3
5 100 3
6 100 3
7 100 3
8 100 3
9 100 3
10 100 3
11 100 3
12 100 3
13 300 5 1
14 300 5 1
15 300 5 1
16 300 5 1
17 300 5 1
18 300 5 1
19 300 5 1
20 500 8 2 1 1
21 500 8 2 1 1
22 500 8 2 1 1
23 500 8 2 1 1
24 500 8 2 1 1
25 500 8 2 1 1
26 500 8 2 1 1
27 500 8 2 1 1
28 500 8 2 1 1
29 500 10 2 1 1
30 750 10 2 1 3
31 750 10 2 1 3
32 750 10 2 1 3
33 750 10 2 1 3
34 750 10 2 1 3
35 750 10 2 3 3
36 750 10 2 3 3
37 1000 12 2 3 3
38 1000 12 2 3 3
39 1000 12 2 3 3
40 1000 12 2 3 3
41 1000 12 2 3 3
42 1000 12 2 3 3
43 1000 12 2 3 3
44 1500 200 15 1 4 1
45 1500 250 15 1 4 1
46 1500 300 15 1 4 1
47 1500 350 15 1 4 1
48 1500 400 15 1 4 1
49 1500 450 15 1 4 1
50 3000 500 20 2 6 2

starting this season . . . erm. players who have already reached level 50 miss out? how does this work?

coming soon? wouldn’t that mean next season? am I reading it wrong?

It’s honestly really nice to see that they’ve finally made the sunlight system the good progression system it was meant to be. All the free keys and BP chests from high levels will be amazing.


These rewards are given out after the current season ends. They scale based upon a player’s sunlight level when the season ends.


you dont miss out on anything.

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hooray, more glory to spend on the occasional hero release
and those 6k legendary talent chests i buy for no reason other than collecting.

glory aside, i like the blueprint chests and the epic keys! talents r ok i guess, opals i understand theyre still trying to keep as a “ver rare currency” but i eould want a bit more essence :1

you get the essence through the bp chests.


that’s really cool then! how much tho
edit: unless u mean destroyint the bp’s :1 i’d rather not

those chests also contain raw essence.
add the duplicate bp to that you will surely get and you end with a decent chunk of essence. add to that the essence from the levels 40 to 50.


Finally a reason to grind i was starting to slack off

I feel so lied too. SMEC always tryna take stuff away from players and gives us nothing but then they do this to me.

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Ever think their goal is not taking away but to improve experience so you are more willing to spend money

No because then they would listen on how to balance the game. They would add more items because people keep saying the game is stale. They would fix bugs that literally make people lose and are out of the players control. No I think everything they do is usually to make money, reason why they added 5v5 and that bs knock off of a battle Royale mode. They said they would never add 5v5 and balance the game around 3v3 but that was clearly a lie. They don’t care about their player base truly or they would try to keep the players they have before trying to get other ones. But clearly that isn’t working out for them because now they’re adding joystick after 5v5 didn’t work out. You can just see how VG was growing and progressing as they went they’re own route and didn’t confirm to other mobas knock-offs the game started to die when they got money hungry and scared. They kill themselves honestly.

Lol I checked the wrong column and thought 'Holy crap! 20 rare keys!?"

But it’s still something. At the very least it’s getting me vaguely interested in playing a bit more again.

Pls, just give me the most revent Vox and Petal skin so I can leave…

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Let us start here more items=bigger game along with making things even more complicated to balance.

Who says they aren’t have ypu ever coded a program before? A game like vainglory is a lot of code to go through trying to isolate where the bug is coming from.

You are right a business named super evil megacorp wants to make money, what is wrong with a bussiness wanting to make a profit?

People said the game was getting stale they introduced more characters and brawl modes plus 5v5. All these are not just to get new players but to keep existing ones intrested.

They are still going their own route though if you feel that strong about a game leave it and its community

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I for one am very satisfied with this.


I personally feel more items would make the game more balance since VG would have more diverse builds and better counterplay but SEMC lack of items has proven to be very unbalanced so don’t talk until it’s here.

There’s no excuse for not fixing bugs especially when it’s been in your game for 5+ months. That’s just simple logic, any job is hard coding gets no excuse.

Obviously there is nothing wrong with trying to make money but clearly there method hasn’t been working out.

5v5 is arguably less fun to people. Also 5v5 didn’t magically make 3v3 less stale so you don’t have an arguing point.

I kinda already left I play now and then but not as much as I use to. I’m just waiting to see if VG changes it’s route. Also being money hungry and copying every other game is not going it own route lol. Don’t know where you got that from.

How this guys are gonna raise money?

Again have you ever coded anything? Even big corporations have bugs that don’t get instantly fixed look at intel with Meltdown and Spectre that affects 20 years of electronics using intel processors. Look at how slow microsoft is about fixing major issues 5 months is not long time when you have to review each line of coding and figure out a way to fix it.

Unbalanced? Since when sure a handful of hero’s usually end up higher than the rest give me 1 game that isn’t like that please.

It is since when? I find 5v5 a lot more entertaining than 3v3. I also recieve shorter q times in 5v5, so obviously your argument is based off of a narrow sample size. It doesn’t make 3v3 less stale but gives you options to play something else for awhile.


easy. this gets all players to play the game more - better matchmaker - rewards still dont bring that much (the 3k glory and 20 opals arent much, the bp chests wont do much. the two epic keys is the only reall payout they give. two of them every 3 months isnt killing their buisness. - what actually happens: players get hooked to opening chests - players buy chests.
the increased rewards also help new players to not feel completly lost at all the content that they have. and new players are semc major target for buying their stuff (all the rng chests to get skins are really bad for old players, but mostly ok for new players).
what semc needs to do now is advertising the game on a broad scale, so former players get informed about the new stuff and new players come in.