New content coming in 4.6

so she is different from petal in that her blades do not follow her and instead you need to move them through attack commands?
and also has a dash like petal so hmmmm did they not learn that a dash is not really the best way to go? Cool wings though

Her kit is VERY similar to Azir summon abilitys and Zeds spin.

Sheā€™s not close to Xayah at all. Xayah sends out feathers via auto attack after using an ability that she then can recall back to deal damage.
She is much closer to Azir, as others have pointed out. Sheā€™s and auto attack based mage with the ability to summon units that also attack whatever she auto attacks. There is also a lot of zone and poke potential in her kit as well. She seems really interesting to play.

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We only said that because the only info we got was just screenshots. Now that we have gameplay, it changes that obviously :cowboy_hat_face:

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(nothing further at the link, just the image above, fyi)


I really love her artwork. Did you ever post her default skin splash art?

The new hero spotlight

Edit: patch notes:

Itā€™s not worth making another thread, is it? I mean, we can discuss the Patch notes here.

Its cool that they added one piece of lore into her.

She was sealed away in Gythia (probably by the Holy Mother Grace) and when Gythia fell, she was released and freed in the mayhem. So that means she isnt a part of the League of Bad Guys (StormQueen, Varya, Alpha) like people had speculated and she was probably captured and imprisoned.

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What is the point of bring that one line loreā€¦ it just makes me wanna go near by the pool nd cry not knowing the full story


a this is what i love the feel from petal, commanding an army :heart_eyes_cat: maybe i must play this lady instead

Funny you mention that. Rumblysuperset mentioned in a Twitter post that he felt this was exactly how SEMC shouldā€™ve made Petal. With plant summons attacking.

Reddit Post

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good day sir!

Edit: I am still gonna believe nonetheless and be clowned


I swear you crack me up :joy::joy:


And I completely agree with that. When I first saw the hero I immediately thought it was a well done Petal and that it could have been a rework for her.

Do ishtars blades disappear when not in range anymore? Iā€™d assume so but I dunno if that is actually covered somewhere

They do. Its listed in her text. Thatā€™s what the purple circle around her is.

I donā€™t think they dissappear but more like they move her until iā€™s destroyed

Anyone else old enough to remember all the hype on the days a new patch was released?

SEMC then: Tweets! Downtime streams! ICE giveaways! Skin giveaways!

SEMC today:


Yeah, I have played since release in NA.

What is odd is they would even try to hype patches that had almost zero content. I specifically remember a patch that was the second patch without a new hero (common back in the day) that came with maybe 5 hero and item changes and no new content, and it still got that same kind of support. Now they bring an entirely new hero (this used to be a bigger deal when heroes came out less often), and major positive changes like SAW rework and barely mention it. Hero reworks like that used to be mentioned as stand alone features like the petal ult change.