I should never pair with them based on my past. Looks like 5v5 is wide open. Swim or drown.
I dont know but seeing this just make me think that vg is getting worse day by day…T4 played with T9? This is so ridiculos…
The ranked matches have no matchmaking… It is rubbish. This kind of crap proves just that… They call it a spread. I call it nonsense …
Fun fact if you are against those pros you will lose max points if it is one of your 30 first matches…
After 3.0 released, when i open vg in my phone i dont know what i should do with this game. Since playing ranked match is unrecomended, 5v5 is full of afkers, ridiculos matchmaker, very high pings and many broken heroes. And now this 3.1, i feel the same way…so, i wonder how is vg gonna be in the next update? Moreover, everytime i open the game and i look in the social tab, it is only one or two or three from my friends are playing unlike the several months ago which were a lot of friends playing with happiness, the rest of them now are offline and ask me to join them in another moba. This is so sad for vg…