This will be in the perspective of a more organized team
God Tier:
Top Tier:
High Tier:
Mid Tier: (These heroes are not too far behind high tier tho)
Low Tier:
Unsure about Adagio still. Have not seen him in ranked yet. Might use him next to see how good he feels. Also I have not seen Lorelai in ranked and I doubt I am good enough on her to give an accurate placement for her. Might practice her more too.
yes I meant captain lol… i use grace often against ardan, adagio and lyra… she is just as capable as lyra with huge heal especially with capacitor plate and low cooldown.
Adagio is the meta captain right now, I’ve played matches with over 100k of heal. Late game your dropping 600/700 heals every 5 seconds, that’s insane. His only weakness is he does peel well so you need a decent CC team.
Adagio is great at attacking early game even if you’re support. I always use this to my advantage, you can get some kills on squishy heros. Just to add to him.
Also I think Grace is high tier? I might be wrong, I’m not playing ranked games that are up there.
I love her kit and playstyle, she’s completely different from Lyra/Adagio. Her problem was just number and skill floor. Hope they’ll release more backline supports cause I enjoy playing them a lot