MODS or otherwise: convince me the 30 character limit is a good thing

I was in a forum before , they had the 10 character limit so the posts like this

Say anything and put 10chars to make sure you pass the 10 characters and show others the extra things just a filling instead of saying nonsense things .

So it was bad that people couldnt even say something better than than the 10chars to work around .

I agree there shouldnt be a limit , but i think mods wanted this to make threads more interesting and less shitposts.

Let me flip the question on its head. Instead of defending a 30 character limit, can someone explain to me why its so important to defend super short posts? How hard can it be to get past THIRTY CHARACTERS. The vast, vast majority of short posts i saw on the old forums were more along the lines of “git gud” rather than anything remotely interesting. If you have the capability to make a good sub-30 character limit, just add a few other comments or something. -_-

Guys, this isn’t Twitter. What have we actually lost by having a pretty damn short character limit?

1 Like

The ability to add a “<3” after someone just wrote how you helped change their view and how they appreciate what you said is sometimes the BEST response.

It’s not a black and white situation where we have LOST something, or GAINED something. It’s a gradient, and the structure IMO makes it feel less conversational and less fun at times. It’s not that it ruins the experience, I was just thinking that at best it’s unnecessary, and at worst stifles the fun casualness of a short response.

However the responses here have put a new angle on how I view it and it’s def no biggie before or now.

Worth noting the “Like” reaction enables a short relatively contentless response if you want to express agreement with and enthusiasm for something.

Like Hipster I see noticeably fewer relatively content free posts here than I did at the old forum (and like Hipster when I could at the old forum I deleted them). I think the character minimum is part of that, there are no doubt other explanations as well - people are playing nice due to this being a new forum, some people who were egregious shitposters haven’t really become active here and so on.

I think having this minimum helps build a culture of slower more thoughtful responses which have greater content to them. I do agree it does discourage a certain sort of discussion - but then I suspect different mediums are actually better for that kind of discussion anyhow.


My body… is it a complete sentence…?