Yea if VG push ads when they were on good state I’m sure we will not have this problems now…
This post is kind of unintelligible, tbqh …
Getting away from everyone’s feelings and opinions about AoV and ML and returning to the article I cited in the original post …
VG appears to be in serious trouble, at least based on market data from the US: a 62% decline in Y/Y revenue is spectacularly bad – particularly when SEMC’s stated focus for the past 2 years has been growing the player base.
It’s difficult to extrapolate this data, of course, because markets such as China are likely to be very different from the US.
But the US data is bleak. There’s just no way around that.
I bet VG revenue in China > Global right now, this is why they focus on China market only currently. I also fail to understand why they never bother with improving out of game experience when AOV ML are out there as an example
Yah, I’ve heard that the Chinese market has become vitally important to SEMC in the past year or so.
VG appears to be in serious trouble
B-b-but cross-platform will save it, right??? Teehee fingers crossed
Never underestimate the casuals market
Semc actually updated us about their situation and they said vainglory as a package in a good spot which I think it means they not doing well in the us while doing well in the other countries , plus announcing the working on other projects means they aren’t feeling good about the vainglory future , so I think they updated us because they see the news coming , which means their communication probably for what happened this year , we need to see what they going to communicate on next to judge their communication decision is it for fixing the game or buying time .
Well they sure are wrong about that. In the current patch, theres barely any reason to play besides playing modes with friends or not.
This is sad news. I quit not long after Inara was introduced due to some discord between my guild leader and a member of my 3 man team. It really disheartened me and the other member from playing anymore and we’ve quit the MOBA genre entirely.
EDIT: I should add that the above issue was the final straw that drove us away from VG. 3V3 was the mode we preferred and was playing the most but 5V5 was what everyone else was playing and we tried to adapt. Balance issues, bugs, long queues, new items etc. was part of the reason why we left. You know how it was shrugs
Anyway, VG is still and will forever be my first and favourite MOBA for lack of experience with other PC MOBAs due to limited PC performance. (I have played DOTA1 long, long ago but I was totally a noob and only played through local LAN so I won’t count it). I have tried ML and AOV(briefly) but didn’t like the joystick controls. VG was just superior with its touch screen controls.
The challenge and thrill and triumph and learning curves and most importantly fun I had is everlasting. It is sad to see that VG is still struggling right now… I hope that VG will be able prevail. I’m still rooting for you guys SEMC!
$462k doesn’t even cover the overhead for a single month of operations. Good thing startups fundraise, but a company that still struggles to be revenue-neutral after 5 years is probably out of its depth, badly managed, or both.
Someone at semc is making a bad decision after a bad decision. The fact that vainglory is being overshadowed by lower quality games is proof enough someone needs to get fired and it aint the developer.
I have a lot of fun with ML as you said and mriorr (one for all) mode coming soon
My favourite hero now is Esmeralda she really cool you should try her
She looks great – there was an Esmeralda on my team the last time I played, and she was killing it. But my first love is Layla
Well lyla out range all ADC at level 12 she so powerful late game only her weakness is early game she fun to play
Yeah, I like AOV too, but I spend most of my time in ML… it’s a lot bigger in EU and I mean a lot (from what info I can get my hands on and personal observations ) , simple as that. Waiting for lol mobile of course, but I think it’s safe to say it’s some time before we see it.
I will still play ML even lol mobile comes but if lol mobile comes with 150 champion like PC I will quit MLBB
MLBB have 80 heroes they so close to league of legends I can’t believe that
and some of them are really interesting even if they are rip off simple versions of lol/dota heroes. As most say, simpler MOBA even vs VG, but fun as long as you expect to do just that (have fun) and not play PC MOBA on your phone.
For PC MOBA I will leave dota 2 on the side, even lol is times and times deeper than VG and no real alternative on your phone (and hardly anyone need one really). Joystick controls also got their + sides, like the option to play from the bed/not confy position and hands are less tired after long sessions, tho I must admit that I prefer touch controls (but it’s personal and also will not translate good into ML/AOV as they are designed for joystick).
As the statistics in US shows, only ML is growing and with a good healthy percent vs previous year. This is why the ads are not that frequent, it’s self sustaining popularity and ads costs money. AOV is also losing popularity and with shrinking player base in EU/US, VG… well, we know what’s going on there, but the tl:dr - SEMC literally gave up and started to work on a new game, something that can explain (added to the other factors we know) why there are so many new bugs and problematic development, etc.
Hate to say that but semc ruined his game by himself
Make bad decision
I don’t trust them anymore they keep lieing
I’m happy with MLBB they give free skins /new heroes/new items every season /rank rewards / a lot of modes my favorite (evolve mode) / a lot of futures