Meta heroes

Funny thing is that I am good with Grace, but I don’t play as much captain as it is not recommended in low ranks. (At least what people have told me)

Dang you already have a good grasp at Kestrel but besides that, try to die less in general. Ofc I can’t tell how you die from just looking at stats but if you find yourself getting caught out or something be sure to look at your minimap! If that applies to you. WP Kestrel is good in the meta and you seem to be doing pretty well with her so don’t worry about it as much this early on in the patch.
Grace is a pretty simple hero when you play her WP power, which you can, but her captain side requires heal timing and also every other thing associated with what a captain has to do. You can buy some of the new captain items and WP items to support but also do damage. I haven’t gotten a chance to play this update much so I’m still tryna get adjusted to the items myself as well.
Captain is a good role to play now though because of these new items but still though sometimes you might have really bad players (happens in all tiers of this game) but its sort of inevitable and hard to run away from.

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Why get spellsword when his perk gives full CDR?


Top picks are Reza, Grace, Taka, Ringo, Ardan, Krul, Kestrel, Skaarf, Celeste, Ozo. For now I’ll edit if I think of more
Tbh everyone keeps banning Lyra, Kensei, Malene, and Kinetic but none of them have proven to be OP or worth the ban. Right now I’d honestly say Malene and Kensei are underpowered. Malene’s early game is complete shit now with that 7 second cooldown on her C-skill which half of her kit and damage relies on, her damage is nothing compared to any range dps now early and late game(her mid game is better then the other but nothing to make her valuable), the only thing she got going is her ability to avoid all damage but that isn’t even valuable when you can just be ignored. Kensei just overall feels weaker everywhere besides early game. Lyra’s heal is good but Ardan and Grace are better. Kinetic I can’t say nothing for sure yet since she is always banned but she right now isn’t anything big, her early game is strong but that’s it so far she doesn’t out dps Ringo.

I am not bragging or lying, but most of my deaths have been caused by what my team builds and how they move around the map as well as their mechanics. At times since no one goes captain, I try sacrifice myself based on how the match is going.

Damn this game must’ve been frustrating. Why would Skaarf build plate? And there’s the SB SB AS Alpha hahaha.

LOL for some reason when I checked VG Pro, there is a singular hero that has been running rampant and desering of his 87.24% ban rate, Namely Kensei.

Honestly, with a 57% winrate , Kensei is like the New Kestrel before hotfix in 1.23, absolutely dominating and shaping the meta around him. He is extremely powerful and has to be nerfed pretty badly new update. Capacitor’s plate just made him better as it stacks with his barrier and gives him even more mobility in teamfights, insane…

If we are trusting VGPRO(which is a very reliable source) the top meta picks should be:

Captain: Grace, Lyra, Ardan and Phinn/Fortress(more situational than the rest)

Mid: Celeste(Apparently OP this update. The nerf to both Samuel and Malene has made her better, despite Kensei’s dominance and having the ability to assasinate her pretty easily. Skaarf is a good alternative, followed by Varya who didn’t receive any nerfs. Samuel is less safe to pick this update, despite being placed higher up than Varya. Malene is only Tier 3 because of all the bans, but she is becoming less and less reliable this update with such a long cooldown on her ultimate of 7 fucking seconds in the early game.

Top: Grace, Glaive, Reza/Kensei, Lorelai

Bot: Vox, Gwen, Joule and Baron

Jungle: Kensei, Glaive, Tony

Honourable mentions
Lorelai: With her buffs and Capacitor’s plate, her place in both Top lane and Captain has become significantly better, now with her Ultimate having an insane barrier and pulseweave and rook’s decree make both fine additions to her item pool. Her damage in the top lane is very respectable and her utility is still undeniable. She is just slightly outclassed by other captains but make a good pick in the situation when all other captains are banned or picked.

Adagio: Very Good right now, about the same spot as Lorelai. Capacitor’s plate gives him a stronger Single target burst heal than Grace overall due to its shorter cooldown. However Grace’s ability for damage reduction is still something much more valuable than adagios buffs and heal, leaving him slightly outclassed.


I used Catherine in ranked the other day. Rook’s Decree is amazing on her. It helps her energy problems , gives a decent chunk of HP, AND her Merciless Pursuit procs it! Plus, the barrier has HP ratios.

Vgpro just updated new rates for 3.4
Kinetic is not as OP as people think
Celeste rises again because Sam 5% nerf just makes him suddenly mediocre
Malene feels like she’s doing a little dmg rn
Lorelai / Phinn get some huge popularity and win rate increase.
At the bottom we got Rona and Churnwalker. Really interesting to see hero that were top tier pick goes straight to worst tier like Rona. As for Churn, they really just need to make him easier to use, but not too strong when mastered (5% dmg shared buff is not the right direction)

Adagio semi-spam burst heal lol

has adagio ever been bad? people are only just noticing .

Have you personally tried Lyra in late game?
Tanky as hell! With capacitor plate, she can heal two heros to decent health which is good.

Lyra is way better than ardan but she is on the same level as grace and adagio.

Lyra with worth banning. But it frustrates me whenever they ban her or grace.

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Meanwhile I had triple stuns on the enemy team and no one moving in for the kill.

My damage is that high because I had to finish a lot.

Our Skaarf was quite literally a turret diver much like old Saw players did they didn’t care about dying as long as the turret went down.

We had 5 turrets up vs naked vain and enemy then got 3 turrets because my team refused to listen and stick together.

The alpha was an okay player.

The skaarf took down 4 turrets and the vain.

Our last effort was using our skaarfs push behavior for our side. So me and Alpha locked down the enemy team in a 2v3 whil our Skaarf booted to their vain. Enemy was slowed and stunned and re-engaged so often they could not port back.

The lesson of course is to analyze behavior and benefit from the perks of that behavior while trying to mitigate the down sides.

In our case locking the enemy team down so our Skaarf could push. He pushed turrets even if it meant giving away the ace…

I learned that valuable lesson that game.

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Not always, his wp carry build used to be OP as well as BP :frowning:

No insane burst, the CP ratios are laughable

If that isn’t burst then I don’t know what is.

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Of course she is gonna deal tons of damage when the enemies have 0 shield on them, so does every hero. Her ultimate is op tho, not gonna lie

Her A has 140% and her ult has 130%. I don’t like pulling out numbers much but there. That Ult is useless. It just looks cool.

Wrong, the Ult gets 25% more damage per stack from her Heroic Perk