Lorelai - Top lane

You’ve got one two many items in your build…

Emmm you have a point, do you build standard defence items (Aegis etc) or you building more utility based?

why bother

go wp grace instead
she’s still a better top imo

I don’t play Lorelai much so I’m not sure if it’s good but MJ doesn’t make anyone scale with the exception of Phinn. It’s built to make you survive. It’s like those people who build 5 offensive items and still doing less damage than their teammates just because they can’t survive to use those items.

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There are better top laners. Melee top laners will benefit from BoE. Lyra, Adagio, and Samuel can sustain without a book. Lorelai lacks sustain or a dash to escape dives. Lorelai’s best attribute is that she can punish turret divers. With both a stun and a slow, she can make divers take one more turret shot than expected.

I think AC and CapPlate are probably the best starts. WT, Rooks, CP (DE/SG/SF), Crucible can fill the build in the order needed.

CapPlate gives more barrier bonus to her Ult than any other item. Carrying a 2nd WT, Rooks, Crucible for the team can win late game fights more than a 3rd CP item.

When your slows and stuns scale with bonus health buying that bonus health will help you stay safe.

Metal Jacket is the worst item in the game. I rarely ever build it. Slumbering Husk offers better protection. Aegis offers better anti CC and a barrier on top of its defensive value.

So Capacitor plate+Slumbering husk over Metal jacket + something else any day.

As I said I don’t play Lorelai. I was talking about it in general. If Lorelai gets melted in 2 sec by a Kestrel for example all the HP would be useless.

She would be horrible because she could dodge those arrows on a pool and SH would trigger and stop that burst better than MJ

Depending on enemies husk might not be enough and it protects for 2 seconds. Again I’m no Lorelai expert but if I am not wrong Hami is one of the best Lorelais and he used to build AC DE CW Aegis and MJ so it’s not useless as you say.

Before or after the new items?

Before. My point is he’s still not getting crucible and war threads over aegis and MJ. Besides new items don’t help her much except for rook but still not very impactful on it’s own.

Capacitor Plate offers defense cooldown and hp plus a stronger Ult…

Not good my ass…

Lorelai has abilities to clear lane, harass enemy laner, good getaway, ranged, and still does something late game. She basically has all the qualities of a good top lane hero. I’d even consider putting her down 3rd behind Adagio and Reza.

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It offers bad defense, nice CDR and decent HP. There’s better items for health which I don’t think you should build. CW is better for CDR and you’re still dropping so easily. If you ult from your B they’re not getting through it anyway it’s not very useful. Besides it’s on very long CD.