Lorelai desperately needs some love

Check my reply above to Mr Dragon 420

I wish they make her B deals dmg, maybe just mediocre amount but it helps triggering CW passive

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Lorelerlai needs just a little bit of love. She works right now as a top laner who transitions to support for late game, but her skill cap is sometimes insurmountable when played as a a captain.

One change which might help would be to let her cast her abilities while moving. She has a crippling weakness to dives because none of her escape/control mechanisms are instant, which means that unless she is right under a turret sheā€™s done. Letting her cast on the move would still give people an opportunity to block or avoid her controls, but she would be able to keep heading for help. It would be a bigger help for her captain specs than lane specs, since the captain is going to have stronger controls and more durability.

A second thing which might help would be to maintain the poolā€™s effects for a short time after a hero leaves he pool (1 sec or .5 sec). Part of Lorelaiā€™s problem is that itā€™s so easy to force her to reposition, and players almost never need to go through the full circumference of one of the pools, but she needs to be balanced as if she gets her CP buff all the time and as if her controls have full effect all the time. Letting the effects of her pools linger just a bit would help to lower her skill cap a bit without making her significantly more powerful.

She just needs small stuff, but she absolutely needs buffs.


I would push her toward her CP path. I would raise her basic attack scaling from 70% to 75%. Next, I would make Splashdownā€™s speed boost scale with CP. at .1%. I would also increases Splashdowns overdrive slow from 25% to 30%.

SEMC loves to make things complicated by adding unnecessarily long delay and additional effect on skills and items

Lorelai is fine. Itā€™s a perception an emotional bias issue. People want every hero to have some kinda power to get kills and Lorelai doesnā€™t flex to a pure attacking position as well as other captains.

I think this is a moba problem in general, and in a perfect world, bruisers, assassins, and mages would have abilities that are massive or moderately damaging and gap-closing abilities, and captains would have the bulk of CC, healing, or other strategic abilities, forcing heroes to play around their captains and captains around their heroes to score effective plays.

But to the main point, thereā€™s nothing wrong with a good lorelai. She can tip the scales against divers and gap closers quite efficiently. A peace of mind buff for her would be small-scale healing on her non-fish food pool and barrier maybe, but Iā€™m talking so minimal itā€™s not even funny.


Her pick rate literally shows that sheā€™s not fine because the majority of people find lots of problems playing her or because there are much better and more reliable picks. They need to do SOMETHING to encourage people to play her more. You cant keep saying ā€œOh because there just a few people good at her so buffing her will make her too strong to those peopleā€

I think the majority of people donā€™t pick her at all. Not because thereā€™s something wrong with her, specifically, but because she generally comes off as a weak hero after her changes. That doesnā€™t mean she actually is.

Edit: Also, a few people finding away to exploit a hero strength, and that method spreading to the masses, is exactly why people notice when almost any hero is actually OP: when they see either their favorite player or some random owning seemingly inexplicably.


Itā€™s not as if what works with her is new though. Sheā€™s always been one of my favorite characters, but sheā€™s just too limited.

Her biggest problem is that she has no ability to protect herself against dives. Once Taka, Blackfeather, Reza, Idris, Koshka, Alpha, Glaive, etc., etc., jump on her, she is going to get run down and killed ā€” For a captain that is a gamestopping weakness. There are about 10 characters that the enemy canā€™t have on their team if you want captain Lorelai to work, because any one of them will immediately force her to stop supporting team mates, and probably kill her before taking the rest of the team.

Her problem is that since all her abilities have a cast time, she gets at best one chance to defend herself (if she was standing on a pool) and after that she needs to stop moving every time she casts something. With an assassin glued to her thatā€™s suicidal. Her strength is controlling mobility, but she has no way to use that strength to protect herself.

She is definitely not okay, but sometimes enemies donā€™t pick anyone who counters her, or they donā€™t know how to play, so she can work sometimes. Thereā€™s not a secret trick that everyone is going to discover which suddenly makes her so she isnā€™t countered by half the heroes in the game.

That said, she doesnā€™t need a big buff. Like I said earlier, allowing her to cast on the move and making the effects of her pools linger briefly (1 sec or less) would probably make her viable as a captain, since they would directly address her inability to defend herself. She doesnā€™t need to go back to what she was to be functional, she just needs to be buffed enough that she is no longer countered by every character with a charge or a speed boost.


They should just let Lorelai become a mage tbh. Lorelai as a captain isā€¦ just so frustratingly hard to play.

Like you are completely useless once you are dived upon because her Splashdown pool has such an FING long delay until it actually hits the ground and you literally have no chance to escape afterwards as by the time it reaches the ground u would have probably be much further ahead by then when you are running a way from the enemy.

So like what someone said above(sorry didnā€™t bother to put the name), letting the effects linger for about 1 or 2 seconds would give her a lot of mobility and a chance to live when she would get dived on and for easier skillshots on her A and B

Her Passive Crystal power in the early game is really bad while it scales exeptionally well in the late game, lorelai canā€™t really do a lot of damage in the late game anyways. Making her stronger in the early game will make her enemies think before trading with her.

Passive Crystal power up from 15-180 to 40-180

Basic attack CP ratio=Her basic attack is slower than all of the heroes in the game at lv 1 so her high CP ratio is pretty much useless.

attack speed up from 92.5% - 120% to 100% - 136.6%

CP ratio up from basic attacks= 70-75%

Also, her base damage in her basic attacks make her useless for poking as a captain unless you are standing ona pool, but that means you are sacrificing the precious speed boost you give to your allies. This will help.

Basic attack damage up from 60-(something) to 75-140.
This will give her much better early game and a scaling and have some base damage as a captain. Any other captain in VG has a pretty good base damage in the early game allowing for aggresive plays and poking. Porelai doesnā€™t have that.

The rest of her kit is perfect in my opinion.


I have a feeling theyā€™ll keep her EXACTLY THE SAME just like this update

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100% agree I find she lacks any potential peel capability, her pools are easy to navigate and sheā€™s extremly squishy.

The only times shes useful is if you intend to try to snowball early, you can use her abilities offensively then because when used defensively theyā€™re weak.

Spoiler: Lorelai gets no change next update

Lorelaiā€™s actually quite good right now. Her ability to manipulate the battlefield makes her a great asset in the laning and team fight phase. She is both anti-dive and a dive heavy hero. Other than that, her base damage is insanely high.


NIvmett said that heā€™s afraid of buffing her because heā€™s seen what a master lorelai can doā€¦


Yeah and I see the toad tooā€¦ oh wait!

Shes a monster even right know. Just give her a skin REEEEEE


Then heā€™s thinking of the wrong buffs.

Sheā€™s crippled in her captain path against anyone who dives on her (not on her teammates), because she canā€™t cast to defend herself. That could be easily addressed without increasing her damage output, or her ability to influence team fights.

She needs to be able to cast while moving (not instantly, just on the move) since that would allow her to fight defensively without changing the ability of enemies to react to offensive/team-support uses of her power.

It makes sense to leave her damage and CC alone, but thatā€™s not where her problem lies. Her problem is that she needs to stop to use her defenses, so (unlike other captains) when she gets dived she needs to choose between standing still and lettin the whole enemy team swarm her, or trying to move to someplace where she can get help. Other captains can all defend themselves and run at the same time.

Basically, she needs her weakness buffed, not her strength.


Sooo seems Iā€™m wrong she has a fairly decent win rate at plus 50%, sheā€™s almost balanced? Think I need to review playing her on a more regular basis.

I think like this: we donā€™t actually buff her but change her so that her kit is somewhat more approchable and that will attract players to Lorelai.
Ps Iā€™m gonna write some changes ideas now. Expect something in 4h.