Lets see who's the biggest nerd

Brawl modes have counted as wins for a long time. Well, BR is, I’m actually not sure at the moment about Blitz wins. But yeah, BR raises the counter for at least a year now.

Ok so then I would have 3530÷4887 which is a 72% winrate which makes more sense but still surprising.


Idk which statistic is accurate tbh

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Link? I feel like that might be more accurate but who knows.

Bravo for using Discord’s light theme, you must be one of the 3 people that do.



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Late to the party but here is mine! (For reference these numbers are since June 2017.)

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Seems like it works again

Probably the game I put the most time in, I guess.

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And my baby…

For a total of 3423 hours… or 142.6 days…


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Wow so I only have 340 hours, kinda less than I was expecting :frowning:
Also the discord stats seem kinda whack


the website uses API so unlike the in-game counter it doesn’t take into account the games you’ve played prior the API lunch. someone correct me if I’m wrong

Well I’ve definitely played less then 1810 hrs before the API lunched so idk.

So I said in an earlier post that discord stats were a bit whack, and I just checked now and it says I’ve played for 3.8k hours.
While API says 340.

Not quite true, because lifetime stats are available in the API. However, the API data is actually kind of a mess for several reasons:

  • wins have been counted differently over the lifetime of the game (initially, brawls were not included in the win total shown in game); this is not just an API issue, of course, but it’s more evidence that SEMC doesn’t care about accurate statistics
  • lifetime win data for 5v5 ranked matches is missing from the API
  • match durations are variable, of course, so the times shown by these sorts of features are very rough estimates because …
  • … data in the API is discarded after 4 months (I :poop: you not – they actually throw away data)
  • the API was created and maintained by a company whose personnel did not even play the game

I could go on about how the VG API sucks, but that’s a different topic. People have been able to do some impressive things with the incomplete, flawed data we’ve gotten (RIP VainSocial, which was the best site for serious stats). Hopefully now that MadGlory is turning over the API to SEMC we’ll see some improvements. I’m skeptical, because of their track record of settling for “good enough,” but we’ll see.


So what should we look at for the most accurate stats?

I can’t find my name in database rip!!


(All API sites and tools are using the same data, so they all show basically the same information nowadays. The sites that were doing more interesting stuff with the data (e.g., Vainglory University, VainSocial) have shut down or aren’t being updated any more.)

At which site are you trying to look yourself up?

I personally find vainglory University really good for personal stats for the most part.

Caps no caps space and no space all doesn’t work

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