iOS PSA: v3.4 sound settings are now found IN-GAME during a match, no longer under Vainglory in System Settings


Settings are a one-time adjustment and affect the application globally, so it includes the music on the landing screen.


hotfix incoming. lol. This is a very strange change.

“oopz, I did it again”… played with your heart…

So you can talk to people, i think

Just checked the SEMC Slack … the music issue is already generating negative feedback. I’ll keep you all posted if there’s an official response.

I adjusted the title. It’s in-game now.

Does it turn it off for ALL matches or just that particular match?

I will check. This match will be over soon.

Edit: 41 minute match, maybe the best match of my life.

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Post screenshots somewhere in another thread.

I’ll check android side in a bit.

Is it only me who is having issues with mis pressing settings and other buttons up there?
I would still prefer having those buttons not needed during game to be placed outside to avoid panic when pressing it accidentally.
Who needs to adjust there settings when you are in the rush of the game? :roll_eyes: