Inara - thoughts so far?


Tbf, she feels like she needs to dash, but can’t. If her A and B were switched, maybe she’d feel better.

Shes fast, but uh that’s honestly it. She’s just fast. Not enough opportunities to do damage, except with her ult. Maybe good as cp?

I personally don’t like the helplessness of wp.


I’ve been in some really good matches with her today. Several with around 15 assists.

Basically, I’m not treating her like a damage dealer anymore. Her speed lets her pick her fights (short of getting caught in a 1v3 and getting chain CCed, she can run from almost anything), and she should generally only get into fights when she has backup. When she’s alone, her job is to steal farm from the enemy. In a team, her damage helps, but mostly she peels, respositions the enemy, and slows the enemy. Her damage isn’t nothing, but she is not a solo killer.

1v1, she can take assassins, snipers, and mages. Against those classes her damage is enough, and her mobility and control of their mobility helps kill them. She needs to build defenses fairly early and upgrade them before she needs them. On the plus side, she can build two defenses (usually SH and Aegis) and still do adequate damage.

1v1, she should run from brawlers and tanks. She can help against them in a team fight (and if one person on a team needs to build Poison Shiv or Bonesaw, she’s a good one for it), but she can very rarely beat a Krul, Alpha, Tony, etc. who are focused on fighting her.

A big change in my success with her is that I’m really using her A for its slow. It’s longer range than regular melee, and can even reach Flicker without getting caught by him. The pattern is to slow and kite until the A cools down, then do it again, and wait until the enemy is weakened to really commit.


WP is actually way better than cp for her (and most heroes) right now. You hardly lose any ratios so I don’t really see the point of CP.

She really good as WP…dunno maybe it was just me

Her damage is surprisingly good as a WP she’s fast so they usually don’t react fast enough for my attcks…best to engage on jungle… use your ult when your going to gank the lane(duh)

but maybe its also the enemy teams fault (they had a bad match up)

also do use your A if your teammates are getting chase her slow is decent enough…also her be is a good peel…i dunno how to classify her though she feels like a faster koshka…but with some sort of glaives kit :thinking:

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They weren’t targeting you, from the looks of that. Not saying that Inara is bad (or that you didn’t play well), just that your build looks like the enemy was just confused by your movement and wasn’t targeting you.

I ran against a team the other night that all built shiversteel. All. Of. Them. It counters her pretty hard, since her mobility comes mostly from raw speed. Why they all decided that countering Inara was job #1? I dont know. I ended up building her full tank/utility because every time i showed up they were on me like seagulls on a half-eaten hotdog, meaning that as long as I stayed alive the rest of my team could go full-attack.

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So I’ve been playing Inara a lot, and she’s got a really, really fun kit. She needs just a bit of fine tuning, IMO. Her utility makes her low-ish damage tolerable, but she needs a few quality of life tweaks.


  1. Her farming is a bit slow in both WP and CP. Her kit seems natural for starving/out-farming the enemy, so it feels wierd that she doesn’t kill jungle creatures just a bit faster. CP gets particularly bad later in the game, as it’s basic attacks do negligible damage.

  2. She often has vision to something which is marked by her wisps, but can’t reach it, and there is no way to clearly see the exact range.

  3. Since her wisps only last 3 seconds, dashing to a target after her B is rarely useful.

  4. The range of her perk’s vision is often only enough to see from one side of a bush to another. As an example, when fighting a WP treant in 5v5, she can’t see to the goldoak without moving far enough to reset the treant. This just feels wierd.

  5. Camps which she can tell are cleared with her perk still show on the map until she walks to the area and sees its clear he normal way.

  6. Her low early game damage makes her very vulnerable to invasions in 3v3. She is good at playing cat and mouse, and is better able to avoid an enemy in her jungle than most heroes, but it’s ironic that the jungle specialist is so vulnerable to early game invades.

Most of it is not underpowered/overpowered stuff, it s just the kit not feeling quite right.

1 and 6 could not be addressed by adding an empowered CP effect to her first basic attack when she dashes to a marked target. It wouldn’t need to be very strong, just a bit to help with farming, and help her trade damage with other junglers in the early game. If Inara builds CP, it might keep its usefulness into late game, but for WP builds the raw WP damage would outshine it.

2 should be addressed by just letting her dash to marked targets regardless of range.

3 could be addressed by making her wisps last 5 seconds.

Just some thoughts. She’s overall pretty well balanced, there are just a few hitches.

If she is changed so she can’t be invaded early and clears fast - she will be the most OP jungler in the game by far. You can’t create a hero that does not have weakness in his kit/mechanics (or atleast you should not).

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Malene? They clearly can.

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She has weaknesses though. She has low range and bad AoE unlike basically every other mage. For example Skaarf doesn’t have effective AoE currently but his ult was designed for that, just doesn’t work right now. While Malene was designed for 1v1 damage with lower range.

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10 posts were split to a new topic: Burn, Baby, Burn! Skaarf’s Ult in 3.8

Inara has plenty of other weaknesses. Her damage drops off late game, she lacks sustain, and any CC makes her easy prey. None of that is crippling, but being a slow farmer and particularly vulnerable in the jungle seems contrary to what is intended.

Inara needs to abandon her jungle if most other junglers walk into it. She can run away, or she can hide and try to steal last hits. I don’t think she needs to be “best”, but she should do enoug damage that other junglers need to be a little careful about deep invades early on.

She got team wide and long speed boost, she got free vision in the jungle, she got decent clear as WP, she got short stun, she got chase after B, she got AOE A and so on. If they bump her dmg, do you understand what invade monster she will be even if it’s bumped slightly? It will be - steal, steal, invade, steal as solo. She has her place right now and is decent one.

Inara got a cool kit but I don’t think she is that good with the meta. Jungle isn’t that useful anymore and it’s difficult for her to engage without ultimate. I think her ultimate is really fun tho. I don’t think she needs a buff but she gets deleted instantly since defense is useless, when they buff defense she’ll be viable.

@MacAulay @cha0z I don’t ever remember a time when Skaarf’s ultimate was ever threatening, it was buffed multiple times because of how bad it was.

Part of me feels like Inara doesn’t do much damage late game but part of me also questions if it’s just the new items and not her.

I really wish SEMC didn’t just randomly change all the item ratios for fun. It didn’t accomplished anything, SEMC needs to physically rework the 5v5 map and stop changing random numbers with minions, or jungles or items. The physical 5v5 map is the problem. Until they do something I can’t give an honest opinion on if Inara is viable or not. Or not an opinion I can agree with myself

I would think shes more of a supportive jungler like petal than a high damage jungler like krul or glaive

To me, Inara isn’t what players considered a “conventional” jungler.

I think due to how past junglers have been designed, she feels out of place a little.

Inara’s in a simple manner should give players an impression of a jungler that:

  • Scouts Treants. Saves time from checking by just walking near the camp.
  • Has an unconventional pathing through the jungle. Mainly because she can use her perk and her B to get around walls quickly.
  • Is reliant on basic attacks, despite her low cool down abilities.
  • Is utility heavy and team dependant. All her abilities provide things that aid in team fights (slow on her A, knockback and possible stun on her B, team wide speed boost on her ult).
  • More reliable as a weapon carry than a crystal carry, though cool down reducing items are highly desirable.

It just depends on the person to be fair. A hero cannot fit the impression/desire of everyone after all.
Inara to me is extremely viable, if my own experience and vgpro stats are anything to go off by.

As for the item changes, I don’t think they change it for ‘fun.’

It may not be what you’ve desired, but it did achieve something which has been harped on pre-3.8, which was the constant nagging to change the meta from a triple tank meta to something else.

This has obviously been achieved. Though we will have to see what Tension Bow’s hot fix will do in the coming days.

As for map changes, that’s probably asking a bit more than what they can provide in my opinion.
Though I can see why some would like that.

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Changing the map can’t be that hard for them, they designed the 5v5 map in a year.

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Haven’t gotten a lot of Matches in using her, but from what I have seen so far, from my own game play and game play I’ve seen from other player/streamers, is that she doesn’t seem to be OP, or even worthy of being perma-banned like manY of the other recent new heroes have been. She does seem like a strong snowballing hero though. Her heroic perk granting vision of near by Jungle camps paired with her ability to leap to them, stealing them away from opponents. Easy way for her to get ahead in cs and items over opposing Jungler for Sure.

Actually balanced. She has her own place in the meta and can reliably counter jungle and take camps. Her mobility makes jungling feel good.

She’s more about counter-snowballing. After she gets her first two items, Inara doesn’t get noticeably more powerful. What she does is starve out the enemy so they can’t snowball.

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