In tribute to Avenger: Infinity War, here are some skin ideas

Flash uses his creative intelligence to maximize his potential.

Quicksilver is mostly a dumb dumb…

And Hawkeye is just a lame Green arrow

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Pls lets not start a war between superheroes.

sits on my chair eating popcorn

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might as well move this to offtopic

I’m sorry what did you say? Avengers Quicksilver is inferior to noone but X-men Quicksilver.

shouldve said saw is the past tense of see therefore is vision

Saw memes aren’t dead…

Your sense of humour does appear to have gone up in smoke…

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Saw meme lives

It’s like Lord Tachanka memes from R6S. They are all sick of it and barely anyone remembers that. Right when Ubisoft said that they ain’t gonna buff him because “he’s too good of a meme”, the entire community went nuts. The same can be said to SAW here. He has the lowest win rate out of all carries at 45% and SEMC kept nerfing him for the last few patches.

Look how many there are left. It’s dead admit that. It ain’t even funny anymore.

No its funny and there are plenty

SAW works, he just has to be last pick in draft cause he’s easily countered by CC.

He ain’t anymore. He has dropped way out of the META for a long time ago. Tell me, how many patches was he actually successful in competitive play?

Don’t ask me I’m a T6 scrub.
Altho tbf I ban SAW to stop my allies playin him in SoloQ so I suppose…

I used to be T7 but I’m too lazy and now I’m T6 (and ofc I quit the game). And the only reason people ban SAW is for anti-noob, not because they can’t deal with him.

but, u quit?? stats aren’t everything. i’ve seen a saw trash a team. he’s a really good splitpusher if you can divert a lot of attention away from him

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With slower than snail movement speed, lowered WP and super low HP, he can barely push. I played him in patch 3.2. I know what’s wrong.

dude, like, … why are you still here then?

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Same question to you ‘old man’.

i would really like to see a thor reim skin lol