If you use pc to play vainglory 5v5 map

I think separate servers for each platform is pretty unlikely considering how hard SEMC is pushing the cross-platform aspect of the game in their (minimal) marketing.

Yeah, I agree – also, the player base on PC is just not large enough to support separate queues:

(That’s for Steam, but I can’t imagine that it would look much different by adding in the small number who download the game outside of Steam.)

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Why tho? As i see it, there isnt really a huge advantage between both platforms. And why?

3v3 map is colourful i love it more
5v5 map need more change


I think vg can focus on what platform they used. And then focus on marketing and regular tournament

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It will be interesting, but will eventually not be heart warming for the community. Let me explain: Competitive games are all about equal terms or atleast balanced ones. Different heroes don’t change that as it’s ban/draft before each match = interesting tactics “draft win/lose” phase of the game. The ingame experience should be equal… the map is mirrored essentially.

Just count how many times you were ganged, you had hard times chasing hero on the edge because of the small screen, didn’t receive the “big picture” of the team fight as the teams are spread and so on. Now cut that to 1/3… you will play a lot better as you will have a lot better map awareness and close surroundings awareness. This advantage alone is huge. Also for some heroes it’s absurdly easy to land skill shots on PC as your mouse will be hovering on the right place and you click hotkey/left key essentially same time without delay to land it. Before to be a skaarf that hits great A/B combo was really hard and fast moving hands, on PC? Easy… np, with little to no practice you will land tons of that. Voala, PC skaarf won the MID and put behind 2 enemy players, one of them the primary dmg dealer.

My point is, the platforms are not balanced in that way at all… and they don’t even try to do it. Look at overwatch, do you think they don’t know it doesn’t look great with black bars and players will want full screen utilised? They know, but overwatch is competitive game and this just can’t be allowed. Why PC player will pick VG over lol/dota? They are more sophisticated, have 100 times bigger community, big tournaments and small ones during the entire year, better controls, are created for PC controls, have better gfx, better UI, better out of game experience, better hype (videos, stories, art, etc), better competition ground/fairness and ofc money involved if you end up to be a prodigy as who knows, right? VG is unpolished for now and needs a lot of work. As for the competitive mobile players, they will start to switch to other MOBAs or games or stop playing… what desire you will have to play competitive on the mobile platform when the PC teams will have far superior start? Oh, you can stutter step better on mobile? Nice, but I can argue that all the enemy players seeing 3 times what you can see will lead to victory for them as they will make a lot better decisions, will position in fights better, will avoid gangs, their mage will hit easier the skill shots, lyra will see the whole portal ring ( :stuck_out_tongue: ), will gang easier, will chase easier (no wondering what direction someone took as you will see him all the time and guess a lot better), will position in fights better and so on. So they all will play on the superior platform. The same way as the current top players plays on ipads and I am sure most of them pro 120Hz display… this is advantage. Are they going to play good on phones? Sure they will, esp when get used to it, but surely also not on the level they play currently (I know in the past there were top players on mobile, but time changed).

I remember playing quake on 60Hz monitor vs 120Hz monitor and what difference it makes… well - 60Hz 5-6 inch display and 60Hz touch vs 120Hz 12.9 inch (ofc you will click more precisely that CS or enemy hero in close to each other enemy team) display and 120Hz touch - fair? Nope, it’s not and the PC is far better than both of those (ofc also 240+ Hz monitors = np). I digress tho, mobile is mobile, PC is entirely different beast and currently not balanced at all. Don’t forget that PC players will abuse the heroes that works best on the platform and SEMC can’t balance for that as if t hey nerf for example those heroes, the mobile players will be super weak with them = not picked up at all.

Sorry for the long post and I will not read/edit it as I have some work to do, just an rough explanation why I think all that crossplatform thing can’t really play well with competitive.

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Anyone using 3 monitors here.
Wanna see how bad bezels would make it look like.

Im not understanding what you mean.

The mobile platform?

i hope vainglory on pe have 2xMSAA
i need better Picture quality​:thinking::thinking::thinking:

LOL baidutieba dashuibi33030303030

who are you? :thinking::thinking: