Idris help

Haha I went crystal with it XD

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That works too! When CP and with the rare talent I usually do an alternating current. Sometime two if I’m ahead lol

A little out of touch with Idris. I needed more burst and my build was a bit off but still had decent succes mechanically.

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I personally like this build for squishy deleting (I’m POA now for both so don’t make fun of my rank)
Also kestrel not blurred for obvious reasons


That build hits super hard, probably the hardest hitting idris build right now. It scales well late game with BP and crits melt through MJ

Yeah it’s my go to for idris he’s an assassin and I do what’s on the label

Replace PS with Bp/TT and it has better burst

Yeah I know. But I needed boe half the game and just upgraded to the most convenient item haha.