I would like dodging to be punished

The problem is that they cant solve the dodging problem as they need to fix first the black screen one, so until they fix it, we just can do nothing.

Well, not all of as are L3oN, and he doesnt play only Solo Q.

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I think the entire servers are down the drain bugs all around and server side lagg spikes at 2k all the time.

2k lagg spikes due to dragons appearing or teamfights happening. I lost two matches today where lagg really impacted my games yet my ping is 23…

The server has never been this bad since android beta…

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23 ms normally and 2k when bc and gw spawn? Even i dont get that shitty of an result, and im playing on sea from australia with only 14mbps dl speeds.

In game it says 23 ms and outside of game my connection is even better but still I get ridiculous lagg spikes which never happened before…

Try testing from a server that isn’t closest to you but closest to send server

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No idea where the EU server is located…

They use was so go to Amazon web service’s nearest hub for your ping

Who bans alpha though? So many other hero’s to be banned before him…


Alpha was like, one of the highest-picked bans for a while, right around Tony’s release. There’s a chance people are still banning her out of fear or habit, not realizing things have changed.

I often come across players who’ll ban based on their personal preferences or fear alone.

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Much like the people playing wp varya after a patch…

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Oh my God, I had totally forgotten about this. Thank you for this laugh.

Would you believe I still see it, a lot?

Damn, your upload speed is 2 times faster than my download speeds… wtf australia

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And still I get 2k lagg spikes due to the servers on the other side…

If you are t10 bronze in a t9 bronze game with trolls, gl carrying. My point is - sure, you can carry in 5vs5 if you are A LOT stronger than the enemy team and in good position/hero pick to do so. While you can’t do the same if you are better than most, but not to the point to go 1vs3 without probs. There is something called skill gap and carrying potential is tied to it. l3on and the such of him is super bad example as they are levels above real t10 ones. Ofc he will win vs t8, t9.

And as all said, if you are better and win your lane, go 1vs2… you will still lose as the other lanes will be pushed, you will be focused by the enemy team and essentially - this is a objective game and the enemy team will always get more objectives.

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Agree, the EU servers are tons worse the recent patches. I mean, really bad, even the movement itself is choppy, target skills super hard to land, I try to use A with lance and I LITERALLY change my position from where I start to land it and it’s super big change leading to total miss… how is this acceptable? Was so good in the past… rarely lags, now all the time. :confused:

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Exactly, my end of the internet is working just fine.
Dragons and teamfights seem to be to much for the game to handle. Sometimes I am dead before my enemy even moves…

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It’s not your internet, I tested it on 4 networks (one of them 4G and actually atleast in my country/operator - it’s super good, played without probs before in the past with 50-70ms ping). My primary is optical fiber 75Mbit/s, directly to the servers without any active equipment and actually they are super close. The ping is rock solid to all the world, the speed is solid, I had 1 no internet situation for 5 years and it was for 10 minutes.

The problem is on SEMC side 999% sure.

Edit: Also yes, I now frequently got no sync and I move while everything is freeze, then sudden move of all, I am dead and seconds for lag at the top of my screen… cool… also desync that can’t be fixed without in/out of the game and that means 1-2minutes and that’s massive in terms of gold lead and team fights/turrets.

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Add to that, no communication. Your allies think you are horrible, or trolling…

No way of letting anyone know your lagging…

Are you sure it is on semc side and not the middle man amazon web services? Aws does things by location not by ping so if you live close to multiple hubs the closest will get priority not the best .