My sweet and short rant.
Causals in 5v5 are the worst out of any moba ive seen. I can mentally prepare myself for toxicity in matches but the moment i see T4s in my team and a bunch of high tiers in the opposite team, i legit cry internally as i try to surrender and my team thinks we can win while they pack on a 0/6/0 on thier kda. Im soooooooooooOOooooooo close to beating the summer event but the only thing is holding me back is the 10 5v5 wins. Im a causal player and i reAllLy dont want to rank unless im decaying. Im not a low tier but the match maker allways teams me up with the low tiers WHICH IM OK ONLY IF THE FRICKEN TEAMS WERE BALANCED.
Im new to ranting publicly so… dont hate >:3