I just started playing League on OCE

i didnt say i help him, i just give him a warning.

Im finally starting to play Casual games and Aram now, its pretty fun and gettin better at the controls currently.

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Oh cool i got 2 legacy skins just need to get the champions lol also iG le Blanc is awesome.


I utterly LOVE the fact that you can get skins that are normally unavailable in chests and capsules and the like! I’ve got a few really cool ones that way (and like you, I don’t even have the champs for some of them yet!).


Yea its so cool, i also recently got Warden Nautilus Unlocked and i bought him recently since hook supports are pretty fun.
Yea i cant wait to try iG Le Blanc myself in the future and hope to get iG kai sa sometime in the future.

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Another cool thing is that many “limited time” skins become available again on occasion. For instance, during Worlds, all of the world champion team skins are available for purchase in the store. I got SSG Xayah that way last year, and I use that skin all the time.


Oh cool, i have also been playung Aatrox more lately, i might go and buy his mecha skin down the line.

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This is the thing, riot does it right with monetisations:

  1. You can unlock a lot of free skins with regular playing - check
  2. You can drop the price significantly for some skins via playing a lot (events, etc.). Basically you play more, you pay less - check
  3. You have exclusive skins that you can buy pretty much only with money - check
  4. You have skins that are hard to get even with money - check
  5. Super rare currency sells, so basically it’s stable economy and you are not waiting for sale - check
  6. Regular sells of everything in the shop, including some special sells for you - check

I am sure, I am missing some, but it’s easy to understand why their model works. It’s fair and a lot of ways to earn things + the prices are reasonable as the quality of what you pay for is super high and most of the time you can get it on discount via various ways.

Spending there feels like what it was to spend in VG 2016/2017 pre 2.9 patch - fair. Clearly VG model was flawed tho.

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ranked time! so excited
also i guess im more a mid laner now, picked up Galio mid recently and will also probably buy Diana now.


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Nicely done! My son likes playing Nasus – I’ve never played him even once :upside_down_face:

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Im just a typical split pusher with Nasus tbh. I enjoy his kit cause hes in the top lane and its usually peaceful “sometimes”. Im still pretty bad CSing with him but getting better.

Also i won that game through splitpushing to the nexus lul meanwhile everyone was ARAMing in mid.

Currently, im also picking up Galio.

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I need to play more top lane – it’s much too exciting in bot all the time :laughing:

Heres a bot Galio game xD

Landing Galio R feels great when u pull a surprise attack out of nowhere xD

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Glacial Lux mid XD also cosmo lux is just amazing xD love the skin,hope i get the dark version of it aswell sometime in the future

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Cosmic Queen Ashe and Lunar Empress Lux are my faves in that bunch! :star_struck:

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Riot REALLY wants me to buy Dryad Soraka … she shows up almost every time the shop opens :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: (Also, this is the biggest discount I’ve seen for her yet :sweat_smile:)

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I bought Luna Nasus cause its a flashy lookin skin and i have cosmo lux already but i may buy the skin next week tbh.

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Feels good i think i carried the game by being an annoyance top.

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