I feel like Reza does too much damage - should he be hotfixed?

He’s an Assassin. That’s what they’re meant for, dealing masses of damage and chasing down enemies. Problem is they’re really squishy. I can 1v1 a Krul and win as Reza, but in a teamfight, I gotta hope I can isolate an enemy or I’m dead.

Funny “definition” you have. Isn’t it a bit weird that Ardan was categorized as a protector and Fortress as an initiatior then? You’re talking only about CC. It’s different. Ardan has a good engage speaking of his entire team. Doesn’t mean Reza has bad. If Reza can not engage I don’t know who can. About disengage this is just downright lying if you think Ardan has better disengage than Reza. His gauntlet has like 70 sec CD and even if it’s needed it’s a waste of it so he can’t “engage” with it which was your first point. While Reza has VERY low CDs on 3 dashes. Reza is probably the hardest carry to chase so you can’t possibly claim he can’t disengage. The only hero harder to catch would most likely be Lyra but she’s different position. I think you need to change the way you see engaging and disengaging. You think only about CC which is very valuable but not limiting the definitions of the 2 to itself.

His play style sure is annoying to deal with, he has the in-fight durability of a Brawler but damage of an Assasin, which makes him quite broken for th right reason. His B having 2 charges and C buffing him into a Krul doesn’t make that much sense to me since he’s an assasin. His skill set should be more bursty, and less confrontational.

SEMC is kind of hitting that grey zone with Black Feather, Fortress, Glaive and Reza. Idk whether they are Assasin or Brawler, they have the perks of both but non of their weaknesses.

Reza doesn’t have any durability at all. He pops instantly when targeted but the thing is he can pop you easily as well and faster. In a 1v1 against an assassin death should be expected unless you are a duelist or warrior or fed carry. His teamfighting is terrible besides him using his Ult to nuke people. Fortress is captain and SEMC did a good job kind of killing CP Fort because CP Fort is played as a carry support. Glaive is no doubt a warrior. A burst warrior. He can tank but do a lot of 1v1 damage but he isn’t really that broken. BF is probably the only one is in that weird spot but maybe SEMC considers duelist and assassin as the same thing or WP is duelist and CP is assassin…

As I clearly stated, engaging means you force a combat to be happened, while disengaging means you force the combat not to be happened, and everybody has to retreat afterward.

You claimed Reza’s B has 3 dashes and can chasing? Then it is a chasing and initiating ability, not engaging or disengaging. Chasing abilities help you catch enemies who uses boots or other stuff while you don’t have boots. Initiating is ability to dash in and deal damage, but that’s just it. It’s different from engaging about the point that if you can’t escape at the right time, you will deal less damage or being dealt a huge amount of CC/damage and die instantly.

And I also stated that Reza can just dash in, deal damage, and dash out. If the situtation is good he can use ulti and try to deal some DPS damage but for most of the time I play against him, he always suffers tons of damage/cc and get vaporized (then rage ping if he is in my team)

Correct. Doesn’t mean you need your team with you to engage though.

No. So you’re saying if a Glaive afterburns away to save himself during combat and his Ringo is still in the fight then it’s not disengaging because not the entire team disengaged? Alright then.

No, B has 2 charges but he has ult too. His abilities can be used for engaging, chasing or disengaging. He has very low CDs which gives him freedom of use. Your example with Ardan, he has 1 gauntlet and can use it only for 1 thing.

Umm it’s actually the other way around. It’s initiatior’s job to set up a fight (which Reza is not). Anyone can engage in combat.

If you haven’t faced or played with a good Reza then your words don’t mean much. This is just biased hate speech against him. There is a reason he’s one of the top heroes. He is in no way close to a “noob champ” as you said. Actually he’s better the higher the level gameplay.

I hate this type of ideaology. This not rock paper scissors no type of hero should automatically win any type of fight. I don’t care if someone is an assassin that doesn’t mean they should win any 1v1. It should always come down to an individual skill. My problem with Reza is the amount of burst he does with ease. His hitbox on his A is ridiculously huge along with his amount of mobility, 2 dashes and 3.6 movement speed. It doesn’t take skill to burst heroes down. Then his immunity in his ultimate, his fortified hp in his ultimate and then the constant dps with his ultimate from his basic attacks always applying his perk. If he is going to be mobile, bursty, and have good range he shouldn’t have ridiculously hit boxes and the amount of dodging capability. The difference between him and other assassin’s is that Koshka and Take both have to engage to do damage, they can’t kite and poke like him without risking themselves in the effort and since they have to commit it makes it even worst when their ability to escape isn’t as strong as Reza’s. Now Idris and Black feather do have some kiting capabilities but they don’t do as much damage kiting when building as assassin if they want to do real damage they have to commit.

So you’re trying to tell me that there are no counters or hard counters in the game but everything is dependent on skill? Oh please. If you’re having trouble against Reza as something like Glaive, you’re just bad. If you are playing a squishy hero like Ringo, expect trouble. The dude does burst damage and if the hero has lower health, the hero will get bursted down.

If the hitbox on his A was small then he would be a terrible assassin because his abilities either get bodyblocked or he just misses them. His A isn’t there to do damage, its there so he can string abilities together and burst you. He’s also a single target burst assassin who requires you to smack the carry with a skillshot. Koshka and Taka have targeted abilities. Blackfeather uses AA along with a series of abilities that are either targeted or skill shots that pass through. No one plays WP Idris much, the ones who do are either gods or trash. Idris doesn’t need to kite because his burst is greater than Reza’s.

You’re making him seem so OP when if you don’t feed him in the early game he practically has no purpose in late game teamfights. Drafting properly can help stop Reza too. Btw Phinn literally negates most of Reza’s damage. If you die to a Reza early one either the Reza actually played Reza well or you’re just bad. His burst isn’t consistent early on either it becomes consistent the moment he buys Clockwork.

I’ve been using Reza since he came out. He was the first hero who I bought with Glory after a week of release. From then to today there were barely any changes that were significant besides range increase, CD decrease on his Ult and buttery smooth dashes. He suffered from an autoattack bug similar to Koshka in like 2.9 or something which made him crippled and SEMC decided to fix Koshka but not Reza so even if you consider him “OP” he deserves the spotlight. I don’t think he needs any nerfs besides a CD increase in his B. Removing damage will just make him into current Taka but just a little better.

I’ve already said everything that needs to be said will just see WHAT SMEC do. No matter you’re not gonna change your mind.