I don't know why but I am really really enjoying Malene!

you only have one shadow B, BF has 3 chances to engage.


What Angery said: you have 1 scape that last for 1.5s, he has 3 gap closers, one of them with 7s cooldown.

Perfectly balanced? Are you serious, sheā€™s OP, even with the nerfs sheā€™s still top meta as her kit is overloaded. Barriers, roots, slows, invulnerability, empowered attacks and an ability to spam AS. I canā€™t see how sheā€™s ever going to be out of the meta unless they seriously nerf her DMG.

Thank god she doesnā€™t have AEO abilites because if she did sheā€™s be flat out broke indefinitely.

Having said that I find her easy to beat with Vox, his ability to dodge her abilites whilst dishing out DMG in return causes her problems.


Only a noob malene will go near vox lol. Itā€™s easy to counter vox

Really? Explain how you counter CP Vox (WP Vox clearly easier for her), he can kite all of your abilites (theyā€™re skill shots with limited range)ā€¦ because I routinely choose him as a direct counter and Iā€™ve rarely lost.

His resonance bounce enables me to land DMG over time whilst his dash prevent you ever landing a stun combo (if your landing a stun combo the Vox isnā€™t utilising his abilites). You canā€™t kill what you canā€™t hit, and his passive enabled him to bully her from
distance. The fact he can also clear lane farm faster than her means sheā€™s always forced back under her turret and ultimately loses farm.

What tier you playing? Maybe your VG silver and a god Malene, in which case Iā€™m wrong. I personally play mid tier 9 and like Iā€™ve said rarely struggle when matched with her.

Ps - is this you? Winrate is high with her

Oh cp, itā€™s hard. Wp vox is easier to defeat. My highest tier is tier 8 silver. Decayed to gold 7. I am not pro lol. I am just sharing my experience and encounters and I love using malene.

Yep. Me lol. You chrcked my win rate?

I did, you struggle in game vs a CP Vox, when you declared beating him as easy I was a little dubiousā€¦ Iā€™m almost flawless vs her with CP Vox.

Sheā€™s certainly a handful, of your winning consistently with her then creditto you as she has a high skill tier cap. Knowing when and how to use her B is vital.


Thank you. hugs
Cp vox needs a nerf soon.

No, CP Vox is not even meta. What needs a nerf is Melene.

Malene already been nerfed and she can be countered like what you mention above. Bf and reza.

Having a counter =/= balanced

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Vox is fine, he is a handful in 3v3 and a little weak in 5v5, certainly doesnā€™t need a nerf.