How come games are so short?

Own the shop? Seriously what level are you playing at?

As a top laner you’ll spend the majority of the game up against the bot laner and the enemy jungler. If the enemy are even remotely decent you’ll lose you first healing treant and there is nothing you can do about it. To compound this bot laner will have more gold and a level advantage over you thanks to clearing jungle rotations with his jungler and one of them will have the WP buff. Your job is simply not to die…

The shop location is actually horrible, you can never safely shop without the threat of a gank, they can safely shop with there jungler whilst you stick to your turret clearing the wave he has just pushd into you. Throw in the fact they’ll have vision advtage as well (4 cams vs your two).

I could go on, but, I can’t be arsed!!

While I was hoping to continue a discussion, it pains me that you ‘can’t be arsed’ and have to begin your reply with a low-passed insult. :man_shrugging:


i just hate the fact of scout cams, i feel like they should be like LoL and u need a item to see and destroy them besides another cam to find it

No disrespect meant but Bob is VG silver, I play high tier 5v5 and the formula you describe is the basic starting rotation for the game at high tier levels. Much like starting with the backs in 3v3 was standard. It’s the most optimal way to share gold, ambient and experience to provide the bot and jungler with the best advantage possible. They’ll repeat this cycle for 2 / 3 rotations by which point you’ll be at least 1 possible two levels behind them. And if for one minute you think to go home to shop and heal up your turret will be gone because they’ll burst it down. Your jungler will be doing exactly the same on the other side of the map.

Top lane can’t compete with that. He has no jungle to rotate into, no jungler to support him and no WP orb to collect. His one roll is to “not die” and hold onto that turret for as long as possible.

Because you’re not listening mate, everything you’ve suggested tells me your not playing tier 9/10. You state you “own the shop” but that couldn’t be further from the truth.

As a top laner your constantly at a disadvantage… I know, I main top lane and I consider it a huge acheievment if I manage to prevent my turret falling before the 10 minute mark.

Didn’t mean to offend you if I did. Sorry. But no I wasn’t talking about specific cases. This goes for both tops regardless of their team winning or losing. You can not hit your minions first time they spawn because you’ll just get dropped very low or killed. Also lose on CS if you damage them and get pushed back. You just can’t contest it 1v2 and neither can you contest the heal unless your team has a chance to rotate but they might lose on their advantages if they do and it happens rarely. At least that’s how it goes on my main. What tier are you playing at?

Edit: Convalescence, for myself.


Experience at a lower tier is different from a top tier but you cannot play strategically like you are in a top tier and expect to win in a lower one. Just going from t4 to t5 i have noticed i have had to slightly switch my playstyle even though my playstyle was what helped rank me up. Each tier has a slightly different way to play and no one’s experience should be discounted based on being lower tier

Note: I do not like the tone of some of the posts here. If they continue, warnings will be handed out.

Please show respect for everyone, regardless of skill level. Remember that even if you are high tier now, you were once in the lower tiers and needed to learn/improve.


Youve used words like “absurd, ridiculous claim@ and “honestly don’t understand” which implies you know better… if I’ve offended you I apologise but you might like to re-read your own posts as you seem to imply you know better.

I asked what skill tier your playing at because I wanted you to understand that at tier 4/5 (again not a dig I’ve no idea what level you pay it) this won’t be the case as ppl do not play optimally. At tiers 10 and to some extent tier 9 you’ll be facing better players who appreciate macro play like rotating with thier jungler for ambient etc.

As for top lane, it is, and can be quite stressful because you’re constanrly under pressure. You can’t contest your healing minion, you can’t safely shop and you can’t port back unless your 100% sure theyre not about to shove your lane and take the turret.

Top tier is, unrewarding, but it’s important that it’s not snowballed early. If it is you’ll find top lane and jungler are then free to rotate to midlane and apply 3/4 man pressure there etc… then comes the snowball. Hence the number one rule of top lane “don’t die”.

Back to your origins comment, it’s perfectly possible to fall behind the opposition and as such end up 1/2 levels behind the enemy even though you’ve got perfect CS.

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I sent you a PM. You have nothing to apologize about.

Simple, objective damage and ghostwing buff. You can basically get a kill at 6 minutes in lane and that’s all you need to get tier 1 turret in one push and ghostwing buff an objective that spawns at 6 minutes that is very easy to secure but yet is so powerful.

It’s just the lack of everything VG has to offer that makes the games so short. I don’t mind shorter matches but 15 min matches are way to short and usually no one is full build if the enemy snowballed correctly. The lack of diverse builds, the lack of comeback mechanics, the lack of a need for supports, the lack of gameplay options. I think SEMC just needs to full focus develop on 5v5 if that’s what they want. They were getting close with 3v3 then gave up. Stop trying to balance don’t care about 3v3 just pay full attention to 5v5 and give it everything it needs. You see to this day how LoL and SMITE main map is still
being developed, SEMC just gotta do the same.

The cant just “not care about 3v3”, its still the second most played mode in the game, nearly as much as 5v5. Not caring about 3v3 would mean risking a big part of the player base, which SEMC cant afford.

Uh, as someone said earlier, VG is after all a mobile game.
And because most of the mobile gamers are casuals (and since VG is trying to cater to the casual gamers by introducing joysticc), no one really will be interested to play a 35min+ match, atleast not the majority.

Another thing is snowball.
Once the turret barrier is gone, the laner who gets the first kill will 90% of the time get the turret too, if the enemy jungler is busy farming camps/helping another lane/doesn’t rotate there quick enough.

Blackclaw is a joke for the team being snowballed, the team which is ahead will just focus it and melt it before it gets a single turret, and the team which is behind gets 2 shot if they try to push with it.
(Assuming that the team which is behind somehow manages to secure it)

About league, their games are mainly longer because bigger map, more objectives, more camps for the jungler to farm, and less gold payout (is that the word?)

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According to a surprise birthday comment on Reddit, when they pre-released 5v5 in 2.12 there were a large amount of games going way too long, 35-40 minutes. They did hot fixes to adjust and reduce game lengths. Unfortunately, these changes make it short and snowbally sometimes at higher tiers. They are at least self aware of the issue and are looking at making changes. It does still say 25 minutes on the 5v5 button, so hopefully that’s their end goal for average match length.