I didn’t notice this until my Twitter decided to do “in case you missed this.”
Here are a chain tweets that SugarVenom has made on her Twitter regarding her health (and probably financial situation too).
The jist of it for you TL;DR folks:
- SugarVenom has a benign tumor in her brain (if you didn’t know already about it).
- It has grown worst (and is presumed to be worsening), causing 50% hearing loss.
- This one I find explains her financial situation and her standing in the company: “Three months ago, my job was reduced to four days a month and my insurance was gone. I filed for all of the government assistant things in the interim and set to applying for jobs. Dozens and dozens of them.”
- This… is the sad part… “Tonight, I decided that it won’t be worth it to get future MRIs if I’m still struggling financially. If this thing in my head is going to paralyze or kill me, I’d rather leave whatever money I have left to my son and go out quietly than go bankrupt alone.”
- The rest is her saying that American’s face hard choices with health care, and having studied about health care systems, I agree. You Americans have a really shitty health care system. Get sick once and you go bankrupt isn’t a meme or just a passing fear.
There’s not much I can say or help with her situation. Just pray that it doesn’t get any worse that it already is. If she goes, I hope she pass peacefully and have her family at her side.