Hit me up if you want to get carried all day every day with a 92.86% winrate

U r the same tier as me what r u saying?

Im about to leave hotness silver

When you reach to tier 9 you can talk, but half of these people hid their IGN and i canā€™t expose them if they are really Tier 9 or not. They are probably like tier 5, 6,7 or 8

i can confirm most of these peoples tiers. and again, rank does not matter as much as you believe. if you want to expose someone i suggest you stop :pouting_cat:

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Its ok buddy, prove me wrong by winning 14 games in a row lol. By using my guide XDDDD

i donā€™t play 5v5 that stuff is gross

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Playing glass cannons is fustrating for captains lol and making a game a 4v5 is even more fustratingā€¦

WTF is a glass cannon? wtf is that. You mean on joule?

It does work I been playing rona and uused what u posted yesterday so far my ranked win streak is 4 in a row only cause I took a break today but Iā€™m sure Iā€™m finna hit 5 streak in like 35mins

I didnt post a guide about rona yet. Im so confused. what is a glass cannon???

Glass cannon is no defence builds, once you are caught out u die instantly

Iā€™m not talking about glass cannon Iā€™m talking about jungle 5v5 guide it worksā€¦, glass cannon is all damage item builds which usually gets u killeed early in team fights u take stupid hard damage and in return not much giving unless wp maybe

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that really depends on the player, actuallyā€¦
if he has good skill he still can carry well in tier 8
if he can win 92% in tier7, he probably can do well in tier 8-9


Well, I told them my guide works. No one listens.

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Oh wait i forgot, I donā€™t do those recommended builds. So thats what glass cannon is. I always do custom builds in all my matches. No point of following shitty builds if you can create one your own.

Your builds are still glass cannonsā€¦its a term

Defense is for the weak minded, mechanics is for the strong


I play captain single handed and know how rotations work there is more than just micro in 5v5. Macro plays a big part in 5v5.

Wtf are rotations and wtf are macros and micros.

Theres no point explaining if u arent gonna listen

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