Hero/Item Changes Discussion

What are you on about man. stop with the insinuations . it’s a dicussion, not a witch hunt.

Lel Malene is nerfed so hard, I’ll never play her again. Papi Baptiste didn’t receive a nerf… I THINK

It’s both, actually. There is no discussion without a ‘witch hunt’.

Her enpowerment is just nerf lol…
She is still playable

Ahh, papi Baptiste got a buff, let’s see wHo iS In the upPeR hAnD n0e

The buff is seems small, but the buff is actually doubled when baptiste is empowered, nice change

For those scared about the cooldown changes, they changed how it works, meaning that 50% new cooldown = 100% old one.

It’s capped at 45%, and why would they change it like that anyway?

Yes, I know it’s capped, but what I mean is that it’s not that bad.

simpler to calculate, and probably a bunch of other reasons. besides, reaching 45% cdr is easier than getting 200% cda now
EDIT: actually unsure so sorry if am wrong!

Right now, players don’t like the state of BF, not because he is weak but because he is boring to play after deleting a lot of things of his kit. A skin of a hero that people don’t like won’t sell. It’s like Ozo in the past (rn he is a little bit more popular). That skin is just a waste of time and resources until the fix him so people start playing him again, idk why they didn’t change him.


Original release she was absolutely amazing. afterwards they split her kit in two halves…

Takas cooldowns wont have much difference. His base cooldowns are like 20 secs+ so his perk brings that down to 10. With 45% cdr it isnt much different from now.

For wp though, with normal base attack cooldown and +35% wp, he will have the highest basic attack dps in the game.


Huh, so building an aftershock on a random wp hero will give him a 40% cooldown reduction? xD

literally didnt say that but sure go off

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^^^^^^^20% would be 40% then


  1. i did not say the first statement so point stands :))
  2. current CD is calculated as base cooldown/percentageCD and the new one will be base cooldown×(100%-percentCD), so if you wanna go eith your example of 20% new cd = 40% current that is wrong because then that would mean for example 10/1.4 = 10×.8 which is not the case.
  3. aftershock in the update gives 15% CDR.

CD is cooldown, CDR is cooldown reduction, CDA is cooldown acceleration

Idk, i have to do the maths, but I think no. Also, 100% (new) =/= 200% (old)

I don’t understand, I’m confused

read my edited version for clarity, tldr your assumption is wrong, 20% new cooldown =/= 40% old cooldown

In a personal messege, he confirmed that meme is true.