Hero complexity?

In my response to you and rereading your post, I came to the same conclusion, to be honest! Now your post makes too much sense.

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brain.exe has stopped working. Presss R to Restart.

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I see well I sort of agree he isn’t visually stunning or flashy - although as a support main who is having a bit of an identity crisis and now thinks I might be a top main, his kit is utterly something I wanted in the game - played as a disrupter he is very very fun.

In any case I suspect we will see some even more complex and interesting heroes in the near future given that Ciderhelm is now leading hero design and he is responsible for some of the more interesting hero kits in the game.


As I said, he ain’t flashy but the CC he provides is through the roof.

In PBE I ran a WP/support Tony with a CP/Support Lance and a Kestrel. It was brutal in terms of the sheer chained lockdown we provided the Kestrel.


Put Cath and Glaive in to the mix and oh boy. Ace is straight up EZ AF

Having flashy abilities or just having ‘flair’ is all well and good as well as complex kits, but simple designs in both looks and mechanics is good too. I like tony after having heroes like varya, churnwalker and lorelai come around. It’s a good balance that not everything has to be flashy/complicated but still great fun.

This is just too simple. No wow factor (except the damage)

To each their own, I like the simplicity whereas others love wondrous effects. Vg heroes all vary from spectacular to simple and thats a good thing. Not everything needs to have showy effects or complex mechanics to be good and fun.


I like flashy effects and complex kits but I like versitile kits more. I would rather see a kit that can branch into multiple directions than one that is hard set in stone where you are going to be at. Adagio and Idris to me are perfect examples. Adagio while mainly a support can also branch off to be a secondary carry with mild support. Idris can be used in 3 different paths for damage and can be viable as a carry or jungle. I prefer to pick my hero’s role on situation rathan than this hero is a carry/roam/jungle and nothing else will be a viable option




What do you consider as long time? Because CW is far better in terms of design than lorelai IMO.

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support main who is having a bit of an identity crisis and now thinks I might be a top main

Yes, dude yes! That’s exactly how i feel. 5v5 made me rethink my entire purpose. Even though i’ve been playing support for 90% of my total matches ( probably over 6000 ) and i am well educated, i feel like laning ( which i royally sucked at in 3v3 ) became much easier for me. Maybe it’s because that support role spiked in difficulty. You have to look after twice the number of people now.


Now regarding hero complexity.
The way OP put it is extremely subjective. No offense OP. Tony’s perk is definitely not inferior to others in terms of complexity, it’s not a simple punch, attract, punch. You can combo the hell out of it and it’s quite difficult to be honest.

There are some determining factors of complexity.
how hard is it to chain a skill-set, ( idris ) how hard is it to maintain a certain action ( churnwalker, SAW ) and how hard is it to exploit the micro-plays the hero has to offer. ( Adagio’s perk, Lance’s 0.9 (?) sec B immunity, etc ).

I really love complex heroes. Especially when they look cool, have a cool backstory and introduce new MECHANICS. Tony’s B is one of these and it’s hard as hell to use it EFFICIENTLY.

No hero in vainglory is NOT complex. Players who have mastered their mains will always find an exploit to that hero which you can term “ complex “. Ringo is not complex, but mastering stutter stepping is, so he appears to be complex when played by a pro. Same with Ardan - His A is not just a bland barrier as many might see it. It’s a speed boost, slow, escaping tool, etc…

The thing you call “ flair “ is irrevelant to the true nature of the game. In the end player who abuses everything the hero has to offer, even a simple basic attack combo, wins. Flexing and The combo looking cool is just… cool? That’s it… a simple ringo might wreck you with stutter despite of you going jackie chan with flashy stuff

Most complex heroes i’d say are Lorelai because it’s hard to maintain her efficieny AND combos. Churnwalker, because it’s hard to maintain the eficiency and you are basically living life on the edge 24/7. CP vox because of his irregular attacking patterns. SAW, complex when using him to his maximum capacity. Idris’s combos are also hard to execute.

Complexity can be compared in individual fields like A, B, Ultimate, Perk, or combination of multiple. It’s really hard for me to say that a strictly EASY hero exists.


It was a bit of a joke. I do think Lorelai is a very interesting character, though.

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Trying to combo in A between the two dashes as Varya is the most dangerous thing you can try to do in a fight. Often you can get the same effect by launching a spear before or after you dash. If you mess up, which is extremely easy to do, then you dash straight into the enemey team… with your second dash… yeah have fun.