Haven't played in a... couple? years. How's the game?

How is Vainglory now days? How big is it? What modes are being played? Has SEMC changed a bunch?


It really depends on whomever you ask

I’ll list whatever I can remember in non-chroniological order:

  1. There is now 5v5 map and its called sovereigns rise.
  2. Matchmaking especially casual is really unappealing now if you are skilled enough.
  3. Esports is on hiatus. Most big esport names abandoned VG due to some complications
  4. Names such as Gankstars, TSM, etc no longer exists now (who knows if they will return?)
  5. There are more than 42+ heroes now to play
  6. 3v3 casual has been removed from the game (4.0)
  7. Most item build paths got reworked
  8. Talents for heroes (if you are not aware)
  9. Petal is permanently dead due to the amount of CC the 5v5 has to offer
  10. Most SEMC devs already left the scene to search for other companies. Nivmett, playoffbeard, sugarvenom etc…
  11. Update downtimes no longer exists. Play as much as you want!
  12. Downtime Dev Streams also no longer exists. Cry as much as you want!
  13. We are now rewarding players for reaching T6 per season with a Recolored gold LE skin.
  14. Vainglory is now on steam.
  15. Vainglory will be on Switch later this year (Hope they can stay on schedule)
  16. META changes and changes alot. No, really. ALOT.
  17. Overhaul of the overll UI design.
  18. Game is now over 3gb in storage for Android users
  19. VG has iphone Bionic chip advertisement.
  20. Fanart contests no longer exists
  21. Community hosted events are populating.
  22. Reza now has a Hero spotlight
  23. New game modes to waste your time on.
  24. New items you probably will ignore if you are a casual player.
  25. There is now a Voice chat for party queues
  26. There is now an actual chat ingame.
  27. Leaks are scarce nowadays
  28. ML vs VG is still an argument for some
  29. Salty Veteran players who just cant keep whining about every new update.
  30. Salty new players who kept comparing it to other games they play.
  31. Bad marketing for new skins. Thanks gacha.
  32. No more card crafting for skins.
  33. Opals was a mistake.
  34. Custom taunt emojis so you can brag about that juicy 1499 ICE you spent.
  35. Daily free chests is harder to claim now.
  36. There is no sunlight bonus for skins now ( thanks 4.0)
  37. There are no end season rewards now.
  38. Battlepass. But will need you to grind just to get to the good stuff.
  39. New heroes with crazy crowd control abilities
  40. Saw is still a meme.
  41. 5v5 rank starts with a draft mode even at low rank.
  42. Season reset but just 1 tier down.
  43. More boosted players (T10’s who doesnt know how to rotate)
  44. Vainglory API for developers…
  45. …but they supported only few of them making others stop making their own.
  46. More Fanarts.
  47. No more Echo.
  48. Old forums is deadorino
  49. Discord is now a place for vainglory. They now have an official server.
  50. You can down downvote and literally wont be partied up with people you hated for no apparent reason other than feeding.
  51. Hero mastery.
  52. Hero mastery but no perks at all.
  53. Crappy guild chests rewards still exists
  54. RNG boxes that makes you spend more than what the actual hero skin costs
  55. Teams still prehistoric. No improvement at all.
  56. Bugs. Alot.
  57. Real time shadows on High settings!
  58. Fog of war which is actually good.
  59. Gold toad was cancelled.
  60. This post is too long you willl probably wont read.

EDIT: removed the statement that was rude. Sorry for that.


I get being positive or at least trying not to be negative but this isn’t helping anyone and just generalising people who’ve been around vg for awhile, stop it pls. The list would do fine without this


I feel the need to echo what @Chippunk just posted – bashing a large group of players (which would include most of the people here on these forums, btw) is just not acceptable.

Please edit your post.


Oi I still enjoy new updates every now and then

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Welcome back! VG has changed quite a bit over the past year. There was a period of time a few months after the 5v5 launch flopped where it appeared to be on a downward trajectory, but recently, SEMC has been addressing a lot of longstanding issues and introducing a lot of QoL stuff that’s made the game better. And they’re really pushing cross-platform play, with the game now available on PC & Mac, with consoles likely in the future. They’ve revamped some of the game modes (dropped 3v3 casual and ARAL/Battle Royale, added Rumble (5v5 on the Fold!) as well as a special event mode that rotates weekly). Lots of balance changes, some good, some awful – but that’s nothing new. Interesting new heroes.

I had virtually stopped playing for several months but jumped back in at the start of the Winter Season. I’ve enjoyed playing again, even though I really only play Rumble matches. But I still find it fun and after 4 years, it’s still my favorite multiplayer game on mobile.


Its still fun when you have some friends to play around with :relieved:

If I could guess, the games playerbase has probably shrinked by a bit, but thats nothing new to most mobile games. They become the central of attention but once the hype dies down, so does the influx of players.

Semc has changed in some aspects for the better and the same applies for the worse too.

• More customizations
• Frequent hero releases
• Cross play
• Theres now a battlepass

• Alot of bugs from rushed products such as BattlePass glitches
• No Lore
• Newer heros are starting to get boring imo
• Lootboxes are fUn :woozy_face: but atleast this patch, they did direct purchase for heros before doing the whole “test your luck” boxes.

I don’t consider myself as a “salty” veteran but instead a BF elitist :triumph:Jk but the only thing I could truly get salty over is the pre BF nerf.


just update n play dude. it’s actually quite fun.

edit : i had a 3 - 4 month break from the game and just a few new heroes is enough to spike the fun - O - meter to a solid couple of hours of RUMBLE and ONE FOR ALL.

so YEAH, by comparison… 2 years will see a TONN of new content to keep you entertained.

don’t delay, play TODAY.

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Yeah, let’s just bash and ignore autentic claims and concerns from a group of players and call it “salt”.

So, uh… I don’t play anymore since the update before 4.0, but I’m pretty sure not much has changed anyways…
Game seems to be on a an awful trayectory imo.

  • Constant influx of heroes with overpowered kits who get nerfed around 2 or 3 months after release.
  • Random balance changes that fail on their purpose and either get reverted after 2 weeks or break an entire patch.
  • Inconsistent state of the market; one day you see stuff being sold for direct purchase, next patch they’re behind a ridiculous rng paywall, after that you will find them being released on week intervals, and finally you will have no clue how to get the new stuff until it just randomly appears on a weird and expensive deal on the market.
  • Lots of bugs, in game, UI bugs, crashes, fps drops, game breaking bugs, serve yourself.
  • Game progression seems to get more difficult with each patch; rewards get reduced, drop rates for stuff get reduced with no word about it…
  • UI is like a Chimera of old code, some parts look good with the new stuff but it’s clear the UI is either rushed or low effort since it still reeks of the old ones. At this point they should have made one started from 0.
  • Lore is ded.
  • Blitz is p2w.
  • 3v3 casual is ded.
  • Uhh
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Alright. That was a mistake on my part.
I am truly sorry to everyone that I have offended by that statement.

Regarding that, I feel that I should also clarify that I do mean the recent dramas here and there that mostly roots from playing the game.

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Nope, you didn’t. See # 29 & 30.

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Depends. If you enjoyed (don’t know when you quit) 5v5 then you will probably like it more since we have some of the best 5v5 metas so far. Roles are more defined and even jungle is mostly jungle and top isn’t always 1v2. In soloq I’ve noticed people still ganking bot more but considering top laners are stronger than bot laners in 1v1 it just balances it out.

If you liked 3v3 well it kinda feels like a brawl mode now. Though for me it was fun to play after I hadn’t in some time. Can’t say anything about actual brawl modes myself. Don’t like talents so I try to avoid them.

We got some new items and now defensive tree is much more complete. I suggest you reread every item as you probably would need it, for example Aegis isn’t CP.

My favorite part of the “new VG” is the new heroes. If you check them out you’ll notice they’re not simple like some old ones. They’re very fun to play and interesting. Really loving the designs.

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Just need to point out that there’s now only one brawl mode that has Talents: Blitz. (Though I guess ARAL still does too when it’s in rotation.) Rumble, ARAM, and OfA are blessedly Talent-free! :partying_face:

If you care to concern yourself with a newer player’s opinion:

VG is still hands down the best mobile MOBA if you want to play one that has the foundation to allow for skillful gameplay and mechanics, excellent graphics, and overall a good UI. It has some flaws, but I feel it’s a very fun game.

You’ve obviously decayed a lot, or will have to start a new account, so be patient regarding ranked play. It appears older players (some) have left and many new players are here. There may be less skillful play as you work your way up, but then again, you may be a bit rusty and that won’t be so bad!

I love the new brawl mode, Rumble. Action packed and mostly fun!

I hope you enjoy your return to the best mobile MOBA!

There’s actually a “floor” below which your VST won’t decay any further, and your MMR actually doesn’t decay at all. (The VST floor is approximately 2 full tiers below your MMR.)

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I love being fed that knowledge! Thanks!

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Also, the season “resets” will generally reduce your VST somewhat, though the effect drops off the farther away you are from your MMR.

Haha well @justmikewilldo nice to still see some of the golden oldies hanging around :wink: Interesting coming back to the game and seeing the state of things now that’s for sure!

What rank you at these days anyways?

Lorelai finally got a skin

And Ozo has a whopping 2 skins!