Have you ever wondered why you crafted or bought some skins? Do you ever want a refund? What skins are you anticipating for?

The call of the Taka main… through skins!


So the Base, Rare & Epic have standard stutter stepping, yes?

The school days Vox, followed by Vox on Ice and then Evolution Vox have poorer basic attack animations for stutter stepping?

Is what I’m interpreting correct?

I wonder why i crafted clownwalker, probably skin collectors ocd, also i dont think ill run out of essence tbh.

SD is very good for stutter stepping, but a little bit worse than the default. Same for the Ice skin. The rare and epic doesn’t change at all compared with the default, so they are as good. The only bad for stutter stepping is the Evolution one.

To me at least, there’s only two ways of collecting skins: Collect for ones favourite heroes or collect em’ all.

The in-between is always a bit funny to me, since you can get skins for heroes you never use or get very rarely in Battle Royale.

I see. Thanks for the info!

Hmm… now which skin should I use :confused:

Then again, I barely get to play Vox because I have to go support, lol.

I don’t think you should hold on to blueprints of skins you don’t like. For example I find the alpha skin line kind of disturbing and I prefer the base model; similarly I wouldn’t ever use lapdog grump because I have carnivore, or T3 Adagio because I have seraphim.

I do regret crafting T3 vox. I spent something like 25k glory on glory boxes crafting up to T3 before I was realized that was a really bad move…

Mhm, true. I do hold on to some though, particularly the Legendary ones since they can be quite rare.

Crafting skins that one find unfortunately unusable or just come to hate is sad, but there’s not much we can literally do about that.

Take a good long stare at Grumpjaw’s Lapdog skin. It’s genius and the model is beautiful. As a GJ player I prefer the Dog skin over Carnivore.

Reason why i bought SE BF: the On Point animation and the Rose trail oh wait…

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I would like a death knight styled yates skin

All dark and edgy kind of skin eh? Maybe a Netherworld Yates ala Lance’s epic skin for that theme.

I want an cool feelin to skin for yates lol, and his ult should form large crystals when lading. Blue flames maybe aswell

I have a cool summer party concept im doing for him.

guess what his a ability will look like…


I’m imagining it to be something akin to the Halloween skins that Pharah and Reinhardt got for last year.

Or maybe like a ghostly version of Taric from League.

Haha! Much original! So safe! Phinn mad!

Tbh i forgot about phinn, still

Maybe Yates and Phinn are captain buddies

T3 Ringo and T3 Vox
I don’t regret crafting the skins but the path I took to craft those skin. Destroyed so many legendary cards instead of waiting only because I wanted those skin so bad.

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