Has vainglory reached the Breaking Point?

Same thought! LoL is mechanically, hero design and core gameplay wise miles better than VG. Maybe not visually

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League’s visual style is different, and some people certainly prefer VG’s pseudo-realistic look. It’s why people keep arguing that VG’s graphics are superior to ML’s or AoV’s, even though the graphics engines of both of those games actually perform better nowadays than VG’s.


dude, yes! The Steampunk vibes! That’s literally why i love this game. Sugarvenom and art team did SUCH a good job bringing heroes to life and establish their individuality. VG is unlike any. It does not borrow heavily from generic phantasy trope that most MOBAs rely upon. VG has its own steampunkish, technology plus magic feel, which feels really, really unique to me. Plus the World and every hero is SO fleshed out by the lore.
If someone asked me what VG was like design wise, i’d simply say it’s VAINGLORY. In a league of its own.

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I love steampunk, and the look of VG was one of the primary things that drew me to the game in the first place. (Remember when the entire client reflected that aesthetic? Rip … so generic now.) SV’s lore added such depth to the game – reading Celeste’s backstory got me hooked for good.

However, I’d gently point out that the steampunk + magic idea isn’t unique to VG by any means:


Honestly, I feel like the opinion that VG is generally a comparable game to LoL was common among the VG community back in the day, because frankly, most of the player base used to be league players. At least that was my experience managing a guild and interacting with a lot of people. Easily half my guild when it was really active had played league for more than a year, and had access to good computers.

It’s not that VG was a better game back then, it’s that it was fresh, clean, and exciting. I genuinely think if VGs gamepaly was where it is now, in 2017, 5v5 would have exploded, or rather not fallen off quickly, since 5v5 initially did draw in a lot of people.

Vainglory is different, simpler, and more open in regard to gameplay. They have an entirely diferent vocabulary when it comes to hero design. Even today calling it directly worse feels wrong to me, and yes, I’ve played League for More than a month consecutively. I genuinely don’t like the way LoL heroes are designed in general, I much prefer DOTA and VG. It’s somewhat comparable to hearthstone and MTG. MTG is a much more complex experience, but is also somewhat bloated, and has some design flaws. Hearhtstone I don’t really enjoy, but it fixed a lot of MTGs issues.


It’s fair to have differing opinions on hero design, art style, etc., but I think it’s difficult to argue that the overall experience of VG is better than that of League (or DotA 2 or whatever). There’s too much missing from VG.

So you’re saying VG’s gameplay today is better than it was in 2017?


I meant 2018. I was referring to 5v5, which I believe Vainglory had to switch to since regardless of what they did, 3v3 was not going to sustain the game.

5v5 was a mess on release which drove easily 95% of people away in the first few months, which is a shame, since currently I believe 5v5 to be really good.

As for League being a better experience overall, yeah for sure. But if I had to chose one game to play, as in just the gameplay alone, it would still be VG (currently not playing either one). Now, VG is super stale currently, but that come from almost a year of only minor changes, and years of lack of item changes. this would happen to league if it wasn’t updated frequently as well. I’m saying from a pure snapshot of gameplay experience, Vainglory is not a worse version of league. It’s a different game that has a lot of unique and compelling qualities that could easily make someone able to play both, chose VG.

Edit: sorry for the bad formatting, on my old iPhone 5 so typing is chore.


Ah gotcha. I would agree with that.

Again, I’d definitely agree with this as well.

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He didn’t mean that, but to express my opinion:
VG 2017 was a better game in every possible way imaginable, including but not only:

  1. UI, menu, design of the menu and the unique spirit it carried
  2. gameplay, 3vs3 was perfect for a mobile game - simpler enough, fast games, fast jump into the game, a lot of possible heroes combinations, deep enough strategy options, map layout that is good for a mobile phone (i.e. the lane/map was mostly horizontal and not diagonal)
  3. big player base, actually I could find perfectly balanced match in 40 seconds 4:30AM week day + the skill ceiling was so much higher, right now I am t10 silver MMR and close to be that in visual. In 2017 with my skill rn I was going to be POA gold and that was not something bad at all, POA in general back then was REALLY good players. He*l, even t8 players was actually really good and t7/t6 decent. T5 knew what :vgitem_frostburn: do (referring to a fellow forums member who wrote how he encountered a t10 player who doesn’t know what the item do) and general tactics.
  4. the game was a lot more polished in every way possible, details I mean, polished to the finest details. It was clear they aim for that.
  5. lore that engages. They do missions now? Cool, if lore existed they could do missions related to the lore and heroes relations in it or heroes goals. But nope… removed that too.
  6. some form of basic statistics. It was far from perfect and needed more work and complexity, but atleast they provided statistics in some form of the API so people can create cool stuff for the community.
  7. e-sports, I totally got hooked to VG partially because of the e-sports scene and I really watched the tournaments cheering for teams + competition always bumps the skill ceiling of the whole game player base.
  8. fold map is polished art and designed so cleverly, the details are also insane.
  9. the balance was a lot better even vs 5vs5 nowdays. I mean in general and in 2.8 it was perfect enough - all heroes was viable in it, no absurdly OP hero, all kind of combinations worked out for a team. Was so much fun as you can pick any hero on any role and well - have fun in the game. Was actually so good because of skill, long run of changes and ofc some luck - that if it was like the current 5vs5 and no big changes made, was not going to be a problem as it’s now. Why? Because you could play any hero in any role and be viable, i.e. you had so many options to keep it fresh. Bored of a hero? NP, pick another and you will not be called a troll or whatnot.
  10. The player base was not that toxic compared to now. Oh, don’t even get me started on that.
  11. continuing - no punishing. No LPQ for someone dodging 10 times in a row, seriously? Also no simple fix for dodging with -25 elo for disconnecting in draft/match. If incident happen, -25 elo is something that statistically will be fixed in few games even in t10, but will discourage players to dodge because they “lose the draft” or “didn’t pick my favourite hero - uaaaaa uaaaaaa baby cry uaaaaa” or “not my position - uaaaaa uaaa”.
  12. VG back then was not a money grab and got a systems that encouraged playing more than what we got now + the cards were cool.
  13. events back then that was cool too.

Can go on and on and on, but no one will read ahha

My point is that VG 3vs3 was subjectively to me and objectively a batter overall experience. Subjectively even ingame was more fun to play even on a high level. 5vs5 replaced so many unique things with generic ones, even the map is nothing out of the expected + they did the massive mistake to not change heroes kits, just numbers + to apply the same numbers for both 3vs3 and 5vs5, essentially destroying 3vs3 in the process.

It was a lot better to be another game:
vainglory 3vs3 as of 2.8 and continuing forward
New game: vainglory 5vs5 with real and wild changes to heroes to fit 5vs5. It’s common sense that heroes designed ONLY with halcyon fold map in mind and ONLY for 3vs3 - will have problems translating to more lanes and 5vs5 fights. Some heroes just does not fit and bumping numbers is not the right way to fix it.

Sure, keep the heroes individual spirit, put a new versions of old or totally new abilities/perks based of his nature and existing skills - to feel like: yeah, cool, totally fits that hero.

Sadly - none happened and we know what they did. They even rushed the game as it was clearly not ready. Even the “beta” was a money grab and in the end we had recoloured skin for our money. It was not long enough, it was not really a beta, just early access absurd. Then they destroyed esports, destroyed the statistics even, destroyed punishing violating the rules players. Destroyed the game.

tl:dr I am so sad, but I hope riot do better and that we can have once more a great experience together in the near future.


I will say this: the toxicity of playing this game has definitely gotten to me today. The horrors of the playerbase inexperience and toxicity are just too much to bear.

Best advice is taking breaks. VG is like medication. Taking it in prescribed doses is good but taking too much every day isnt good for you. Mentally and physically.


I just want to rank up to a place where the average game, no matter the wait time, no matter the toxicity, has players with common sense. Then I remember last night playing with T9-10’s who thought it was a good idea to leave me in mid by myself 3v1 as a capt, and they still couldn’t get a turret easy, similarly ranked players who just threw the game because they were paired with a lower tier, and we were doing well until then too.

And the kicker? I faced a low tier team that played so coordinated and professionally it was like they were t10 in skill. I wanna give up.

And for what it’s worth it’s sad that you can’t enjoy a gaming binge in vg. Like at all. There was nothing redeeming about the last few hours.

LMFAO EDIT! REDEEMED! Played a ranked with a t3 tony who only knew how to play midlane. Our capt went top and would you know this t3 guy bossed his way to like 4-5 kills early game AND initiated an early game blackclaw release. Enemy surrendered. Funniest game I’ve played in a few days.


No point, I assure you that you are most likely a better player than half of t10 bronze. A lot of people duo, trioq with good player to be boosted. The general skill of the game is a lot lower than back in the days (2.8 is the peak imho) - the game had so many good players back then.

Right now I can play and be “in place” with the best players in the game + silver MMR/close to visual silver too (with not that many games, i.e. I will reach it in few days) - imho, if it was 2017, I was going to be POA and a lot of players was going to slap me good.

For what to rank for? I am better than half the t10 silvers and not because I am that good. Dodging, one trick, trioq (incl voice comms or friend that is actually good and stomp alone the whole enemy team) - this is how most of the silvers are there. I am there soloq only and believe me - it’s frustrating, especially when I am main sup (I can really make a big difference with competent team or atleast 1-2 really good carries, but no matter how good of a sup you are if your carries are bad it will be frustrating on top of the lose).

The player base quality sadly is a lot lower + the skill ceiling too.

Side note: It’s such a joy to sup for a competent players/team, it’s the best feel in the world. Glad we still got a few around!