Has anyone got a blueprint from a quest chest yet?

Haven’t gotten a single blueprint, all I want is Spider Queen Kestrel :frowning:

Doing nearly every quest and still haven’t got one

Got 2 finally, but man trying to get essence is like a gold digging.

if you get large amounts of esscence you probably got a BP dupe

So far I got 5 blue prints from quest chest. Cards system still the best tho

Got only 1 blueprint Elite Saw

Only dupes worth 1.7k essence or something like that

I’ve got 35k assume this was off the back of the changes they bought into effect (I had a lot of cards).

Essence is so rare for some reason it’s crazy. I am less than 500 essence from t3 Ringo and I never got 1 essence since BPs became a thing

You’re extremely lucky my dood

i got heartless alpha blueprint while she was still in coming soon mode and also vaquero ringo recently

Not a single blueprint or essence… and this is from around 20 games. Only glory and talents coins.

A while ago I got the bug petal blueprint… Already had the skin though. So it is possible.