Grumpjaw Debate [3.7]

lol there are a few heroes that can carry a game. grumpjaw is only one and only if you play him well, though he is much more forgiving than the others that can. second place would probably be baptiste. grumpjaw needed a nerf a loong time ago to his a dmg.

They’re already aware of the issues in 3v3 (as they should, because something like half the player base still actively plays it).

I’m betting separate balancing is likely to be a thing relatively soon (both for heroes and items).

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Baptiste is not even top tier.

Baptiste is pretty good. He’s not the tankiest but his B-skill and C-skill gives him so much CC.

I’d really say the top characters are Phinn, Grumpjaw, Tony, Glaive, Yates, Flicker, Baptiste, Fortress, Catherine, and Ardan. I don’t nessecarily think all of these characters are OP but the meta makes them all super viable.

The meta: all support heroes but adagio (Lyra is used as a cp midlaner) + Celeste, skaarf, Malene, Varya, Samuel (basically all midlaners as there is no other option) + kinetic, Gwen, Silvernail, kestrel. Neither glaive or baptiste are top tier, being the first one not even meta (not enough cc for this meta), the second one suffers from squishyness in a tank meta.

Have you seen the frostburn and spellfire Lyra that has plagued t10 ranked games now. Its legit cancerous and annoying when you against it in mid.

Because of the meta, cp lyra (which was always a off meta pick) will get a nerf. I bet my 11 Halcyon Threads

Yes, I’ve seen it, and yes, she will probably need a nerf.