Go home, Vainglory, you're drunk

  1. You don’t punish Vox less when he’s bullied by Ringo in lane. That’s just how it is. Lanes are designed to have bullies and people who suffer from them. Melee heroes usually get bullied. It’s intended for them to have hard time. Denying CS from them is a skill enemy has to use. Also everyone gets the gold not just the ones you want. This is just not the way to make them more viable.

  2. Why does everyone give me examples with release Kensei? What about release Lyra? It’s the same thing. Melee heroes aren’t different when they’re THAT broken. What about Kensei the patch before he got destroyed? He was like Varya is in general. He had a bit weaker early game but compensated with jungle mobility. Late game both outscaled almost all heroes yet it wasn’t unbeatable.

  3. I don’t get your point here. What do you mean exactly? No matter if you get killed and miss CS or you get forced to recall and still miss CS bullies are still bullies and that’s not any different for heroes that get bullied.

In that case, how do you justify picking them unless they’re grossly overpowered. It’s unhealthy for game balance / you cut a bunch of characters out of the game. One or the other.

Because it’s

  1. Fresh in everyone’s mind
  2. A prime example of every bruiser being OP as nuts before eventually getting nerfed into the ground syndrome, but much faster and easier to see.

What I mean is that a major strategy you see nowadays (In SEA, at least) is a bot lane camp where your jungler stands there and zones the enemy out, and then instead of killing the top laner you just T-pose around the tower like a coward and watch them miss CS as their wave gets pushed in. Then you rotate to mid or the enemy jungle.

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How do Vox, Varya, Baron work? Ringo can bully ADC, Samuel for example can bully mages. Yet bullies aren’t the only viable heroes in their respective lanes. Not all heroes need to be the same or have the same power spikes.

You’re right about that. He was unstoppable pretty recently.

I don’t agree with this though. Because release Kensei is one of the worst examples about warriors. His lategame was absolutely nuts. His entire team could go help enemy and he’d still solo them. What other melee hero has been that broken since release BF? That’s why I don’t like Kensei as an example for warriors. He’s an exception not norm.

They’re overextending that way. A good rotation should be able to catch them and most likely kill them. Not saying it would always work in soloq though. Can’t jungler do more than camp lane now? I can’t really say. I hadn’t played for almost 2 months until last week. Now I have some games but I’m playing in low VG bronze now so I don’t know what the meta is in high tiers. But from what I’ve experienced top lane isn’t at such a disadvantage anymore. Still seems like the most pressured lane but again can’t really say. I haven’t played top.

Interesting to note: when BF got released he was considered weak, next update he received an unmentioned buff in the patch notes that later would be announced by (rip) ¿Playoffbear? That buff originated the all powerful and forever gone BF (you will be missed…).

Well I don’t know. All I remember is 1.12 BF and it wasn’t pretty.