Getting tired of this

Ok so I keep getting disconnected from matches, and it won’t let me back in. It only happens on the Rise though, which sucks because I prefer 5v5 over 3v3. It’s gotten to the point where I keep getting 15 minute, 5 match LPQs, and I just found out that it might be because it doesn’t really support iPod touch. This isn’t so much a rage towards SEMC by the way, so much as me just moping. Sorry to those who wasted their lives reading this.

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Have you contacted the devs???

That has nothing to do with your device. You can find the rundown here.
If you contact support, they are likely to come up with all sorts of pre-fabricated bull, eventually culminating in “ur ipaddle no gud and plx contact ur eye-es-pee”… but really, trust me, all sorts of people are having similar issues, no matter what device or OS they’re running.

You know what I’m tired of? WP buff…

But you’re in NA… The land of Dev’s and Esport pro’s… The land of Thumbs ups… it can’t be that bad.

The land of Low ping, Believe me… even a East Coast New Yoker connecting to West Coast California server is better ping than anywhere in SEA…

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